DSNTIPD: Sizes panel 1

The entries on the DSNTIPD panel establish the size of the Db2 catalog, directory, and log data sets. Entries on the DSNTIPD panel also define the amount of storage that can be used for storing large object (LOB) values.

The values that you supply on this panel are estimates that are used in calculating sizes for main storage and data sets. The values do not reduce any system limits and do not preclude an application or user from exceeding these estimates, within reasonable limits. For example, if you specify 500 databases, you could create 600. However, if you exceed the values by a large margin, you might encounter a shortage of main storage or use many secondary extents for some data sets. You can usually change the main storage values by using the next panel. If you cannot change these values, see Updating subsystem parameter and application default values for the appropriate method.

The installation CLIST contains formulas that calculate the space for each catalog data set and the indexes that Db2 requires for each data set. Data that you enter on this panel is used in these formulas. Use integers. Do not enter fractions. You can use K (as in 32 K) for multiples of 1024 bytes and M (as in 16 M) for multiples of 1,048,576 bytes in most fields, but do not exceed the maximum value that is accepted by the field. For example, for the PACKAGE LISTS field, which has a maximum of 32,000, you can enter 31 K, meaning 31,744 bytes. Values of 32 K and above exceed the maximum acceptable value for this field.

Start of changeMany of the fields on this panel affect the values of the EDMSTATC and EDMDBDC parameters in macro DSN6SPRM.End of change

If you are migrating, Db2 12 adopts the Db2 catalog, directory, BSDS, and active logs from your previous version. Therefore, during migration, you cannot change any of the fields on this panel that affect those data sets.

Updating the parameters:

You can alter the characteristics of the Db2 catalog, directory, BSDS, and active and archive logs by using the methods described on Updating subsystem parameters that cannot be updated by using DSNTIPB. You cannot actually change the values of these parameters.

Figure 1. Sizes panel 1: DSNTIPD
Start of change
 ===> _

 Check numbers and reenter to change:
  1  DATABASES          ===> 200      In this subsystem
  2  TABLES             ===> 20       Per database (average)
  3  COLUMNS            ===> 10       Per table (average)
  4  VIEWS              ===> 3        Per table (average)
  5  TABLE SPACES       ===> 20       Per database (average)
  6  PLANS              ===> 200      In this subsystem
  7  PLAN STATEMENTS    ===> 30       SQL statements per plan (average)
  8  PACKAGES           ===> 300      In this subsystem
  9  PACKAGE STATEMENTS ===> 10       SQL statements per package (average)
 10  PACKAGE LISTS      ===> 2        Package lists per plan (average)
 11  EXECUTED STMTS     ===> 15       SQL statements executed (average)
 12  TABLES IN STMT     ===> 2        Tables per SQL statement (average)
 13  LOB INLINE LENGTH  ===> 0        Default length of inline LOBs (0-32680)

 PRESS:   ENTER to continue   RETURN to exit   HELP for more information
End of change