DSNTIPC: CLIST calculations panel 1

The DSNTIPC panel displays the messages that the installation CLIST issues to indicate calculated storage sizes.

The Override column of panel DSNTIPC controls whether Db2 uses the calculated value:
  • To accept the calculated value, ensure that the Override column contains no value.
  • To override the calculated value, specify a value in the Override column.

Space estimates from these messages do not account for cylinder rounding. Base requirements can be 10% - 20% higher than the message indicates, depending on the disk type.

The messages show that most of the needed virtual storage is in extended private storage and storage above the 2 GB bar, including the buffer pool, the EDM pool, and almost all of the code and working storage.

For most fields on this panel, you have a choice between accepting or overriding the calculated value:

During the tailoring session, message DSNT438I is issued to the tailoring terminal. This message, which shows the IRLM LOCK MAXIMUM SPACE and MAX STORAGE FOR LOCKS values, is always issued if you accept the default values.

This message indicates that the IRLM could request a total amount of space that is larger than the available space, causing an abend. The message is based on the following variables:
  • The maximum number of data or row locks per user that is specified on installation panel DSNTIPJ (LOCKS PER USER)
  • The number of users that is specified on installation panel DSNTIPE for MAX USERS and MAX REMOTE ACTIVE

The CLIST assumes that the private region that is available for IRLM locks is estimated as 60,000 KB.

Figure 1. CLIST calculations panel 1: DSNTIPC
Start of change
  DSNTIPC          INSTALL DB2 - CLIST CALCULATIONS - PANEL 1                     
   You can update the DSMAX, EDM STATEMENT CACHE (if CACHE DYNAMIC is YES),       
   EDM DBD CACHE, EDM SKELETON POOL, SORT POOL, and RID POOL sizes if necessary.  
                                            Calculated   Override                 
     1  DSMAX - MAXIMUM OPEN DATA SETS    =     20000                  (1-200000) 
     2  DSNT485I  EDM STATEMENT CACHE     =    122880  K             K            
     3  DSNT485I  EDM DBD CACHE           =     40960  K             K            
     4  DSNT485I  EDM SKELETON POOL SIZE  =     81920  K             K            
     5  DSNT485I  BUFFER POOL SIZE        =       109  M                          
     6  DSNT485I  SORT POOL SIZE          =     10000  K             K            
     7  DSNT485I  MAX IN-MEMORY SORT SIZE =      1000  K             K            
     8  DSNT485I  RID POOL SIZE           =   1000000  K             K            
     9  DSNT485I  DATA SET STORAGE SIZE   =     26000  K                          
    10  DSNT485I  CODE STORAGE SIZE       =     38200  K                          
    11  DSNT485I  WORKING STORAGE SIZE    =     45024  K                          
    12  DSNT486I  TOTAL MAIN STORAGE      =       689  M             M            
    13  DSNT487I  TOTAL STORAGE BELOW 16M =      1036  K WITH SWA ABOVE 16M LINE  
    14  DSNT438I  IRLM LOCK MAXIMUM SPACE =      2160  M, AVAILABLE =   2160  M   
  PRESS:  ENTER to continue   RETURN to exit   HELP for more information          
End of change