Importing metadata from IBM Cognos DecisionStream or IBM Cognos Data Manager

You can use IBM® Cognos® Framework Manager to import metadata from an XML file created by IBM Cognos DecisionStream or IBM Cognos Data Manager.

You can import

  • A physical layer residing in the Physical Metadata namespace

    This layer contains data source query subjects representing the imported tables. The physical layer contains query subjects and physical relationships between query subjects. These physical relationships are inferred from the relationships defined in the import file. Imported tables become Framework Manager query subjects, and surrogate keys become Framework Manager determinants.

  • A dimensional layer residing in the Dimensions namespace

    This layer contains regular dimensions, measure dimensions, and scope relationships. The regular dimensions may be conformed or non-conformed. The measure dimension objects correspond to the imported stars. The scope relationships are inferred from the relationships defined in the import file.

  • A logical layer residing in the Business View namespace

    This layer contains shortcuts to the regular and measure dimensions in the Dimension namespace. The shortcuts are organized as star schema groupings, which are namespaces with the same name as the stars from the import file.

The following diagram shows how objects from DecisionStream and Data Manager are mapped to Framework Manager objects.

DecisionStream and Data Manager objects are mapped to Framework Manager objects


A star maps to a Framework Manager query subject in the Physical Metadata namespace or as a measure dimension in the Dimensions namespace. The following fact attributes are included in the model.

Attribute name

Framework Manager mapping

Table name

Name of the database query subject on which the model query representing the fact is based

Short name

Query subject description

Business name

Custom property


Query subject description

Column name

Query item name

Column type

Query item data type

Column length

Query item size

Column short name

Custom property

Column business name

Custom property

Column description

Query item description

Column type

Query item usage

Table keys

Determinants in the Physical Metadata namespace


A connection maps to a Framework Manager data source.

Note: A data source connection is not automatically created in IBM Cognos Administration. You must manually create the connection in IBM Cognos Administration as explained in the import procedure steps. For more information, see Importing metadata from IBM Cognos DecisionStream or IBM Cognos Data Manager.

The following data source attributes are included in the model.

Attribute name

Framework Manager mapping

Connection short name

Custom property

Connection business name

Data source name

Connection description

Data source description


type.interface property

Connection string

Custom property

Dimension builds

A dimension build maps to Framework Manager as a top-level namespace.


A dimension containing hierarchies, levels, and columns maps to a Framework Manager regular dimension containing hierarchies, levels, and query items.

Conformed stars

Conformed stars map to a Framework Manager namespace that resides in the Business View namespace. It contains shortcuts referencing the dimensions.

The following conformed star attributes are included in the model.

Attribute name

Framework Manager mapping

Star short name

The name of the namespace representing the star

Star business name

The name of the measure dimension representing the fact

Star description

The description of the measure dimension representing the fact


Shortcuts to a measure dimension


Shortcuts to regular dimensions


Hierarchies in the regular dimension representing the DecisionStream dimensions

Model properties

The export file contains the following model properties.

Attribute name

Framework Manager mapping

Schema version

Not mapped

Catalog version

Custom property

Model short name

The name of the namespace representing the top-level model object

Model business name

Custom property

Model description

The description of the namespace representing the top-level model object