GDDM-PGF V2R1.3 Interactive Chart Utility
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GDDM-PGF V2R1.3 Interactive Chart Utility

This example uses interactive note editing on the display panel. You may prefer to use panels 3.1 (reached by the P command against each note in turn) and 3.2 (reached by the T command against each note in turn). If you do it this way, setting the Preview chart will make the operation much easier. Look at the full size version before you stop, the different line widths can make it look very different from the Preview Chart.


or Key
Action Taken

Type in CLEAR command if you have any data.

Type in the notes as follows:

            ___001 Medieval

___002 Presentations

___003 Are a Thing of the Past

Put a blank before "Are" and after "Past" to balance box.

Fill the Attribute Columns, as shown below.

   PICTURE 195           

Figure 195. Setting attributes for presentation material example

Do not worry that part of the note text is not shown. You can see all the text by pressing PF6 again.

Display the chart.

You will get a message saying you can move the notes. Press the SELECT button. It is middle button on mouse, puck button 2, stylus, or PF2. Move the cursor where you want the note and press SELECT again.

Repeat for "Presentations."

You get a message about SIZE. Move the cursor to bottom left of a note, press SELECT. Move the cursor to bottom right of note press SELECT again.

A line will join the two points. Move the cursor to the point on the line where you want the right hand corner of note and press SELECT.

   PICTURE 196           

Figure 196. The presentation material example

Repeat for each note.

(The two points need not be at the corners, but these are usually the most convenient places.)

When the size is right you may need to move the notes again. If you do, press PF10 and move them.

You will get a message about ANGLE. Move the cursor to the bottom left corner of "Presentations," press SELECT. Move the cursor to the bottom right hand corner, press SELECT again. A line joins the two points and a circle is drawn starting at the second point. Move the cursor to the point around the circle that marks the angle you want and press SELECT again.

(You need not choose the two bottom corners as the points, but they are usually the most convenient.)

To make a note horizontal use the T command in the Notes panel (panel 3) and set the angle of rotation to 0.

End editing and show the presentation without the editing messages.

Press PF2 and choose option 3 to save the chart or option 2 to clear the data and format. (PF2 is the SELECT button while you are in interactive edit, so be sure you have pressed PF5 to end editing first.)

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