
A location is a place where assets are operated, stored, or repaired. You can use the Places page in the Manage Assets Work Center to view, add, or edit information about locations, service addresses, or systems.

Using systems of locations and specifying the location for assets on asset records provides the groundwork for gathering and tracking valuable information about assets, including the history of the asset's movement from location to location and asset performance at specific sites.

After you enter initial details about a location, essential information about the location is displayed on a card on the Places page. When you select a card, you can use the following tabs to add, change, or view information about the location.

Tab Description
Locations The Locations tab displays tiles with the following information about a location:
  • Service address
  • Type of location, such as operating or repair location
  • Status of the location, such as operating or decommissioned
  • GL Account that is associated with the location
  • Assets that are in this location
  • Other locations that are related to this location, such as child or parent locations
In addition, you can perform the following actions on the tab:
  • Add the location to one or more systems
  • Add and edit custom location types
Service Addresses You can add, view, or change details about the physical address of the location.
Systems You can add, view, or change the systems that organize your locations into logical hierarchies. You can also designate the primary system for a site.