Release Notes - IBM Rational Performance Tester, Version 9.5.0

This document contains information about what's new, known limitations and problems IBM® Rational® Performance Tester.


Rational Performance Tester is a scripting-free environment for automating load and scalability testing of web, ERP, and server-based software applications. Rational Performance Tester provides rich and customizable reporting to help you identify the presence and cause of system bottlenecks. It captures the network traffic that is rendered when the application under test interacts with a server. This network traffic is then emulated on multiple virtual users while playing back the test. With Rational Performance Tester, you can test applications that use the following protocols or domains:
  • HTTP
  • SAP (GUI)
  • Citrix
  • Socket
  • TN3270
  • Service (SOA)
To scale up the load for tests without investing money in computers, you can create a schedule that runs in a cloud location. You can specify the number of agents required for a run. The cost of the cloud run is based on the number of virtual users and the number of hours.

System requirements

For information about hardware and software compatibility for Rational Performance Tester, see the .

What's new in 9.5.0

  • Support to install the JMeter test extension to run JMeter tests as part of the VU schedule and compound test. See Integrating with Apache JMeter
  • Support for a new browser-based CSV editor for datasets to edit the dataset. Eclipse-based datapool is now replaced with dataset that is built on new technology. See Dataset overview
  • eGit is now bundled along with the product. So, you can store the test assets in the Git repository and perform the related actions using eGit.

Installing the product

You cannot upgrade the product from a previous version to 9.5.0. You have to uninstall the existing version before installing 9.5.0.

To install the product, see the Installing section in the navigation.

Known limitations

The known problems are documented in the download document. Select a download document from Known problems are also documented in the form of individual technotes in the Support Knowledge Base.

Contacting IBM Rational Software Support

IBM Rational Software Support provides you with technical assistance.

For contact information and guidelines or reference materials that you will need when you require support, read the IBM Software Support Handbook.

For product information about Rational Performance Tester, visit the product home page at

For FAQs, lists of known problems and fixes, and other support information, visit the product support pages at

For personalized support, including notifications of significant upgrades, register at

For Rational software product news, events, and other information, visit the IBM Rational Software Web site.

Before you contact IBM Rational Software Support, gather the background information that you will need to describe your problem. When describing a problem to an IBM software support specialist, be as specific as possible and include all relevant background information so that the specialist can help you solve the problem efficiently. To save time, know the answers to these questions:
  • What software versions were you running when the problem occurred?
  • Do you have logs, traces, or messages that are related to the problem?
  • Can you reproduce the problem? If so, what steps do you take to reproduce it?
  • Is there a workaround for the problem? If so, be prepared to describe the workaround.

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