Creating an initial configuration for IMS Connect Extensions

Use the Definitions Setup dialog to take up definitions from the IMS Connect configuration member into an IMS Connect Extensions repository. This provides you with an initial configuration and a basis from which you can start customizing IMS Connect Extensions.

Before you begin

  • Follow the installation instructions in the Program Directory. For details of the IMS Connect Extensions product libraries, see IMS Connect Extensions product libraries.
  • Secure your data sets by defining data set profiles to RACF®. See Protecting data sets. If you are using any other security product (such as CA ACF2 and CA Top Secret), you should refer to that product’s documentation to understand the equivalent actions.
  • The examples and terminology in this topic assume you are using RACF. However, you can use any SAF-conforming security server.


  1. Go to the ISPF command shell panel (ISPF primary menu option 6), and enter: EX 'cexpre.SCEXEXEC(CEXOREXX)' 'cexpre ENU'
    where cexpre is the high-level qualifier for the IMS Connect Extensions product libraries.
    For example:

    You can either allow the IMS Connect Extensions libraries to be set up dynamically each time you start the IMS Connect Extensions dialog (as done in the previous example), or you can add the libraries statically to the relevant ISPF library concatenations. Then you can optionally add IMS Connect Extensions to an ISPF menu. See Advanced ISPF dialog configuration for details.

    Dynamic setup is the simplest and quickest approach.

  2. On the IMS Connect Extensions primary menu, enter the name of the Definitions repository.
    Use the information prepared in Product libraries. If the repository does not exist and you try to access options for any definitions, IMS Connect Extensions will automatically prompt you to define a repository.
    Figure 1. Specify the repository name in the IMS Connect Extensions ISPF dialog
      File  Menu  Help 
                      IMS Connect Extensions 3.1 - Primary Menu
     Option ===>                                                                   
     0  Profile       Customize your dialog profile
     1  Definitions   Display or maintain IMS Connect Extensions definitions
     2  Operations    System Monitor and Control Facility
     X  Exit          Exit IMS Connect Extensions
     Definitions repository . . 'ICON.EX.REPOSTRY'                              +
  3. Select option 0 Profile. Enter the IMS Connect Extensions load library and Common Services Library using the information prepared in Product libraries. Review the other profile settings such as the time zone and warning override.
  4. Select option 1.S Definitions Setup.

    Complete the fields in the dialog using the information you prepared in IMS Connect startup job and the host name and console listener port in Client connections.

    Note: If journal archiving is required, the Archive JCL member must already exist.
    Figure 2. Definition setup in the IMS Connect Extensions ISPF dialog
      File  Menu  Help 
                      Set Up IMS Connect Extensions Definitions
    Command ===>                                                                   
    Target definitions repository:
    IMS Connect configuration member name:
    IMS Connect Extensions console settings:
     Host name  . . . . . LOCALHOST                                    
     Port number  . . . . 6660 
    Event Collection:
     High-level qualifier ICON                  (for active and archive journals)
    Journal Archiving:
     Archive JCL member                                                           
     Enter EDIT command to edit generated JCL before job submission
     Enter SUBmit command to run the definitions setup job                        
  5. Enter the EDIT command to generate JCL to perform the setup.
    The JCL performs the following steps:
    • Creates an IMS Connect Extensions definitions repository using IDCAMS (DEFINE step).
    • Runs the IMS Connect Extensions definition takeup utility (TAKEUP step) to read the IMS Connect configuration member and create definition maintenance utility commands.
    • Run these definition maintenance utility commands to create definitions in the repository.
  6. Enter the SUB command to submit the job.
  7. Look in the CEXPRINT output from step 5 for this message:
    CEX5501I Updates completed successfully

    This message confirms that IMS Connect Extensions has configured definitions for the IMS Connect system, its IMS data stores, and its exits. Do not proceed until you have seen this message.

    If you do not see this message or if there is no CEXPRINT output for this step:

    • Review the messages in the JES message log.
    • Review the instructions and resubmit. Common errors include:
      • Insufficient permissions to create the IMS Connect Extensions repository.
      • Using the wrong high-level qualifiers of the IMS Connect Extensions load libraries.
  8. From the IMS Connect Extensions primary menu, select option 1 Definitions and then option 1 System Definitions.
    The IMS Connect system you specified is displayed.


The setup job has created an example configuration based on your current environment and on the settings you specified in step 5. This configuration includes providing access to advanced features such as commands and monitoring.

What to do next

To create additional definitions, you can use the following methods:
  • Run the TAKEUP step again, this time on a different configuration member. You can target the same IMS Connect Extensions repository, or use a different repository as desired.
  • Use the IMS Connect Extensions ISPF dialog. See Administering IMS Connect Extensions definitions with the ISPF dialog.
    Tip: From the System Definition panel, you can use the following command to create a new IMS Connect repository definition modeled on an existing definition:
    NEW hwsid2 MODEL hwsid1

    where hwsid2 is the value of the ID parameter for the new IMS Connect system and hwsid1 is the name of an existing system.

    You only need to change the value for the IMS Connect Extensions console port, as this must be an unassigned TCP/IP port. However, if your systems use different or additional exits you will also need to define them.