Uploading license usage data to IBM Software Central and Red Hat Marketplace

9.2.23 Available from 9.2.23.

To upload license usage data to IBM® Software Central or Red Hat® Marketplace, obtain the pull secret and configure the connection to the portal. License usage data is not uploaded automatically. To upload the data, open the All Metrics report. Filter the report so that it shows only products for which you want to upload license usage and covers the desired period. Then, upload the data to IBM Software Central or Red Hat Marketplace.

Before you begin

  • User You must have the following permissions to perform this task.
    • You must have the Edit Server Settings permission to configure a proxy server if the License Metric Tool server is in an isolated network.
    • You must have the Manage Computer Groups permission to configure the connection to IBM Software Central or Red Hat Marketplace.
    • You must have the View License Metrics and Upload Data to IBM Software Central or Red Hat Marketplace permissions to upload license usage data to IBM Software Central or Red Hat Marketplace.
  • Calculation of license usage data must be enabled for the computer group for which you want to upload data to IBM Software Central or Red Hat Marketplace.


  1. Optional: If the License Metric Tool server is in an isolated network without connectivity to IBM Software Central or Red Hat Marketplace, configure a proxy server to be used for uploading the data.
    1. Log in to License Metric Tool, and go to Management > Advanced Server Settings.
    2. Specify the following parameters.
      Specify the address of the proxy server.
      Specify the port to be used for uploading the data.
      If the proxy server requires authentication, specify the user name to be used for authenticating.
      If the proxy server requires authentication, specify the password to be used for authenticating.
    3. By default, basic authentication that is based on user and password is disabled for security reasons. If the proxy server requires authentication, you need to explicitly allow for using basic authentication as other methods are not supported. To allow for using basic authentication, add the following line to the jvm.options file.
      By default, the file is in the following location.
      • Linux opt/ibm/LMT/wlp/usr/servers/server1/jvm.options
      • Windows C:\Program Files\ibm\LMT\wlp\usr\servers\server1\jvm.options
  2. Configure the connection to IBM Software Central or Red Hat Marketplace.
    1. Obtain a pull secret. For more information, see: Get pull secret in the Red Hat Marketplace documentation.
    2. Log in to License Metric Tool, and go to Management > Computer Groups.
    3. Select the computer group for which you want to upload data to IBM Software Central or Red Hat Marketplace.
    4. Ensure that license usage calculations are enabled for this computer group.
    5. Select Enable integration with IBM Software Central or Red Hat Marketplace.
    6. Specify the pull secret in the Pull Secret field.
    7. To save the changes, click Save.
  3. Upload license usage data to IBM Software Central or Red Hat Marketplace.
    1. Go to Reports > All Metrics.
    2. Optional: Only data that is visible on the report is uploaded to IBM Software Central or Red Hat Marketplace. To change the scope of the uploaded data, filter the report. Hover over Configure, and click Configure View. Add filters or change the report time range. Then, click Submit.
    3. To upload the data, hover over Export, and click Uplaod to IBM Software Central. Then, click Upload Data.
    Tip: License Metric Tool does not track what data was uploaded to IBM Software Central or Red Hat Marketplace. If you want to capture the scope of the uploaded data, generate the audit snapshot after the upload is successful.


You can view the license usage data in IBM Software Central or Red Hat Marketplace.

What to do next

If the integration does not work, see: Integration problems.