Configuring administrator settings in the IBM MaaS360 Portal

MaaS360® administrators can configure basic settings that alert administrators about important events (new device discovery, permanent user deletion), advanced settings that manage administrator login authentication in the IBM® MaaS360 Portal, and analytical settings that manage app inventories on enrolled devices.


  1. From the MaaS360 Portal Home page, select Setup > Settings, and then click Administrator Settings.
    You can also access the Administrator Settings page from Administrators > More > Administrator Settings.
  2. Review the following Basic administrator settings for all administrators:
    Note: The settings that are available for an administrator account depend on the access rights that are available for the administrator account.
    Setting Description
    • Alert administrator on new device discovery: A notification alert is sent by email message to an administrator when a new device is detected in the IBM MaaS360 Portal. The administrator is notified about any of the following new devices:
      • All devices
      • Smartphone and tablets
      • Laptops and desktops
    • Alert administrator on permanent user deletion: Enter the email addresses of the administrators who receive an email notification when a user is permanently deleted from MaaS360.
      Note: The administrator whose email address is listed for the User Deactivation Settings on the User Settings page also receives this notification alert. For more information about user settings, see Configuring user settings in the IBM MaaS360 Portal.
    Password prompt A password prompt is displayed for important actions in theIBM MaaS360 Portal. The password prompt ensures that only authorized personnel can perform actions in the portal. MaaS360 suggests that prompts are always displayed to all administrators. Configure one of the following options based on the available administrator roles:
    • Prompt Always: Administrators are always prompted for a password if necessary.
    • Let Administrator Choose: An administrator can disable the password prompt for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, or for the rest of the session. If the administrator logs out, they are prompted for a password the next time they log in to the IBM MaaS360 Portal.
    • Never Prompt: Administrators are not prompted for a password for any actions in the IBM MaaS360 Portal.
    • If no option is set for the role, the default setting is Prompt Always.
    • These settings apply to the next login to the IBM MaaS360 Portal by an administrator.
    • All actions in the IBM MaaS360 Portal might not require password confirmation.
    • Only global administrators with a Service Administrator role can modify password prompt settings.
  3. Review the following Advanced administrator login settings. These settings configure strong IBM MaaS360 Portal authentication for all administrators who log in to the MaaS360 account:
    Setting Description
    Login settings Use this setting to configure strong portal authentication for administrators:
    • Configure Federated Single Sign-on
      • Use SAML for Single Sign-on
        • Identity provider name: The unique Federation Service Identifier that supports SAML single sign-on.
        • Sign-in page URL: The URL for the Identity Provider server that accepts SAML authentication requests.
        • Verification certificate: The signing certificate that is used by the Identity Provider to sign SAML assertions.
        • Notification email address: The email address of the administrator who is notified about issues with the SAML server such as server maintenance.
        • Custom login URL for administrators: The administrator logs in with their corporate credentials to the Identity Provider's custom login site.
        • Settings to configure in your SAML server: The Identity Provider application must send a message to the assertion consumer service site. Note the unique service provider identifier.
        • You can add new administrator accounts with a corporate username that matches the AD credentials. For existing portal administrator login behavior, see Local administrator login settings for Federated Single Sign-on.
      • Authenticate against Corporate User Directory: The corporate directory is used to authenticate AD/LDAP administrator accounts. Administrators use their administrator credentials to log in to the custom login site. You must install Cloud Extender to use this authentication method. For more information, see Installing the Cloud Extender software.
    • Configure Strong Authentication
      • Allow administrators to log in only from previously registered devices: Administrators can only use registered devices to log in to the IBM MaaS360 Portal. If an administrator uses a new device to log in to the portal, a message is displayed about validating the device with secondary authentication.
      • 2-Factor Authentication: The administrator must use two levels of authentication (passcode and credentials) to log in to the IBM MaaS360 Portal.
        • The passcode is sent by SMS to the registered email address and phone number for the administrator.
        • Configure a time-based passcode. Administrators must use a mobile app to generate a time-based passcode. For more information, see Mobile apps that support a time-based passcode.
    Logout administrator sessions Use this setting to customize the duration for session inactivity during login activity.

    The maximum duration of allowed session inactivity is 120 minutes (two hours).

    By default, it is set as 15 minutes.

    When you customize the duration of session inactivity, a two-minute timer will be displayed during the final two minutes of a logged-in inactivity session. The currently logged-in user will be logged out at the end of the timer. However, the administrator can log out or extend the session during the timer.

  4. Review the following Analytics administrator settings for all administrators:
    Option Description
    Reports Network: If you enable this setting, administrators can view network-related reports for devices from any platform that are enrolled in the customer account.
    • Define Subscription Settings for Reports: Enable this setting to define the following subscription settings for Network reports:
      • Format for graphs: Set the graph format as either PDF or PPT to receive Network chart data graphs.
      • Email recipients: Provide a list of comma-separated email addresses that receive the Network reports.
      • Delivery frequency: Choose how often (daily, weekly, monthly) and the day that recipients receive an email message about Network reports.
    • Define UI Settings: Enable this setting to set the display and filter options for the Network chart data and table data on future logins. Configure the following settings:
      • Remember display options for charts on future logins: If this setting is enabled, the chart display option for the Network report is saved for future logins. The available display options for chart data are Bar chart, Pie chart, Line chart, or Area chart.
      • Remember filters for charts on future logins: If this setting is enabled, the filters that are applied to the columns in the Network table data reports are saved for future logins.
    Apps Inventory: If you enable this setting, administrators can view reports about managed and non-managed apps on devices that are enrolled in the customer account.
    • Define Subscription Settings for Reports: This setting applies to both basic mode and advanced mode customers that subscribe to all Apps Inventory reports. Graph images (PNG) are embedded in email messages. The Details report is sent in a CSV file by email message. The export limitation for the Details report CSV file is 250,000 rows. Configure the following settings for report subscriptions:
      • Format for graphs: Subscribe to graph formats such as PDF, PPT, or both.
      • Email recipients: Provide a list of comma-separated email addresses that receive the Apps Inventory reports.
      • Delivery frequency: Choose how often (daily, weekly, monthly) and the day that recipients receive the Apps Inventory report email message.
    • Define UI Settings: Enable this setting to set the display and filter options for the charts in the Apps Inventory reports.
      Note: This setting is available only for UEM customers and SPS-only customers.
      Configure the following settings:
      • Remember display options for charts on future logins: This setting retains the chart display options for future logins to the report. Choose to display the chart as Bar chart, Pie chart, Line chart, or Area chart.
      • Remember filters for charts on future logins: This setting retains the filter options by operating system for future logins to the report. Choose to filter the report by iOS, Android, Windows, or all platforms.
        Note: The saved settings apply to chart types, filter options (based on platform), and any filters in the expanded view for the Apps Inventory reports.
    Hardware Inventory: If you enable this setting, administrators can view device hardware inventory-related reports for devices from any platform that are enrolled in the customer account.
    • Define Subscription Settings for Reports: Enable this setting to define the following subscription settings for the Hardware Inventory reports:
      • Format for graphs: Set the graph format as either PDF or PPT to receive the Hardware Inventory chart data graphs.
      • Email recipients: Provide a list of comma-separated email addresses that receive the Hardware Inventory reports.
      • Delivery frequency: Choose how often (daily, weekly, monthly) and the day that recipients receive the email message about Hardware Inventory reports.
    • Define UI Settings: Enable this setting to set the display and filter options for the Hardware Inventory chart data and table data on future logins. Configure the following settings:
      • Remember display options for charts on future logins: If this setting is enabled, the chart display option for the Hardware Inventory report is saved for future logins. The available display options for chart data are Bar chart, Pie chart, Line chart, or Area chart.
      • Remember filters for charts on future logins: If this setting is enabled, the filters that are applied to the columns in the Hardware Inventory table data reports are saved for future logins.
    Mobile Data Usage Overview: If you enable this setting, administrators can view device data usage-related reports for devices from any platform that are enrolled in the customer account.
    • Define Subscription Settings for Reports: Enable this setting to define the following subscription settings for mobile data usage overview reports:
      • Format for graphs: Set the graph format as either PDF or PPT to receive data usage overview chart data graphs.
      • Email recipients: Provide a list of comma-separated email addresses that receive the data usage overview reports.
      • Delivery frequency: Choose how often (daily, weekly, monthly) and the day that recipients receive an email message about mobile data usage overview reports.
    • Define UI Settings: Enable this setting to set the display and filter options for the data usage overview chart data and table data on future logins. Configure the following settings:
      • Remember display options for charts on future logins: If this setting is enabled, the chart display option for the data usage overview report is saved for future logins. The available display options for chart data are Bar chart, Pie chart, Line chart, or Area chart.
      • Remember filters for charts on future logins: If this setting is enabled, the filters that are applied to the columns in the data usage overview table data reports are saved for future logins.
    User Endpoint Management (UEM) Overview: If you enable this setting, administrators can view user endpoint management-related reports for devices from any platform that are enrolled in the customer account.
    • Define Subscription Settings for Reports: Enable this setting to define the following subscription settings for the UEM Overview reports:
      • Format for graphs: Set the graph format as either PDF or PPT to receive the UEM Overview chart data graphs.
      • Email recipients: Provide a list of comma-separated email addresses that receive the UEM Overview reports.
      • Delivery frequency: Choose how often (daily, weekly, monthly) and the day that recipients receive the UEM Overview report email message.
    • Define UI Settings: Enable this setting to set the display and filter options for the UEM Overview chart data and table data on future logins. Configure the following settings:
      • Remember display options for charts on future logins: If this setting is enabled, the chart display option for the UEM Overview report is saved for future logins. The available display options for chart data are Bar chart, Pie chart, Line chart, or Area chart.
      • Remember filters for charts on future logins: If this setting is enabled, the filters that are applied to the columns in the table data are saved for future logins.
    Data Usage Analysis: If you enable this setting, administrators can view device data usage analysis-related reports for devices from any platform that are enrolled in the customer account.
    • Define Subscription Settings for Reports: Enable this setting to define the following subscription settings for mobile data usage analysis reports:
      • Format for graphs: Set the graph format as either PDF or PPT to receive data usage analysis chart data graphs.
      • Email recipients: Provide a list of comma-separated email addresses that receive the mobile data usage analysis reports.
      • Delivery frequency: Choose how often (daily, weekly, monthly) and the day that recipients receive an email message about data usage analysis reports.
    • Define UI Settings: Enable this setting to set the display and filter options for the mobile data usage analysis chart data and table data on future logins. Configure the following settings:
      • Remember display options for charts on future logins: If this setting is enabled, the chart display option for the data usage analysis report is saved for future logins. The available display options for chart data are Bar chart, Pie chart, Line chart, or Area chart.
      • Remember filters for charts on future logins: If this setting is enabled, the filters that are applied to the columns in the data usage analysis table data reports are saved for future logins.