Example network set up for HA configuration

The example shows the network configuration for an high availability implementation.

The configuration is illustrated in the following diagram. The two HA appliances are located in adjacent racks, and are directly connected to each other with the supplied cables. It is recommended that the IP addresses are in separate subnets for each connection (as shown in the diagram). Otherwise you need to take other steps to ensure that data leaves the appliance on the correct Ethernet interface (for example, by setting up routes on the appliance).

Figure 1. Example HA/DR network configuration
shows how the HA appliances are connected to each other

The following tables show how the Ethernet ports are configured on the two HA appliances, HA1 and HA2.

Table 1. Ethernet ports on appliance HA1
Ethernet port Example IP address Port Description
eth13 5404, 5405 for heartbeat, 2222 for configuration HA primary group interface
eth17 5404, 5405 for heartbeat, 2222 for configuration HA group alternative interface
eth21 Each HA queue manager uses a port, starting at 7789 for the first created, 7790 for the second created, and so on, up to 8021 HA replication interface
eth22   Data interface
Table 2. Ethernet ports on appliance HA2
Ethernet port Example IP address Port Description
eth13 5404, 5405 for heartbeat, 2222 for configuration HA primary group interface
eth17 5404, 5405 for heartbeat, 2222 for configuration HA group alternative interface
eth21 Each HA queue manager uses a port, starting at 7789 for the first created, 7790 for the second created, and so on, up to 8021 HA replication interface
eth22   Data interface