Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.2

tacmd viewSit


Use the viewSit command to display the definition of a situation in your monitored environment.

When issuing this command to see the properties of situations, many situations show KXX:XXXX for the description field. The Tivoli Enterpriseā„¢ Portal maps the KXX:XXXX value to some descriptions before display, but the CLI displays the data as such from the TSITDESC table.

CLI syntax

tacmd viewSit {-s|--situation} SITNAME
                              [{-e|--export} [FILENAME]]


-s|--situation SITNAME
Specifies the name of the situation to view.
-e|--export FILENAME
Exports the situation definition to a file of the name specified.

CLI example

This example displays the definition for the situation named CalcMonitor and exports the details to a file named CalcMonitor.sit, which can then be used to create a new situation based on the original.

   tacmd viewSit --situation CalcMonitor --export CalcMonitorOut.sit

Return values

See Return codes

Related commands

tacmd createSit

tacmd deleteSit

tacmd editSit

tacmd listSit

tacmd viewDepot


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