Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.2

tacmd editSit


Use the tacmd editSit command to edit a situation.

CLI syntax

tacmd editsit {-s|--situation} sitname
              {-p|--property|--properties} name="value" [ name="value"]...
tacmd editSit {-l|--local} filename
              {-p|--property|--properties}  name=value ...


-s|--situation sitname
Specifies the name of the situation to edit.
-p|--property|--properties name=value ...
Specifies one or more name=value pairs that identify the properties of the new situation and their values. Valid property names are:
  • Desc or Description - Description of the situation. Input given as text enclosed between double quotes, such as
    -p Desc="Alerts user to save the work.."
  • Interval - Sampling Interval. Input Given in format ddd/hhmmss within double quotes, such as
    -p Interval="000/001500"
  • Formula - Situation Formula. Input given within double quotes. Keywords are prefixed with *, such as:
    -p Formula="*IF *VALUE Local_Time.Minutes *GT 31"
  • Distribution - Situation Distribution. Input should be a valid managed system name or names, such as:
    -p Distribution="Primary:HDCHASDSTC0219:NT,Primary:HDCHASDSTC0420:NT"
  • Advice - Expert Advice for situation. Input given as text enclosed between double quotes, such as:
    -p Advice="Save the work.."
  • Action - Action to be performed when the situation becomes true. Program name or command to be executed, Given as text enclosed between quotes, such as:
    -p Action="net send HDCHASDSTC0219 Save ur Work.."
  • RunOnStart - Specifies whether the situation has to be executed on start. Input Yes or No, such as:
    -p RunOnStart=Yes
  • SitInfo - Holds the Tivoli Enterprise ConsoleĀ® EIF data; a combination of SEV, TFWD, TDST separated between ";" The SitInfo parameters must be enclosed in double quotes. SEV can take values Critical or Warning or Minor or Harmless or Unknown. TFWD=Y or N. TDST can take up to 5 valid Tivoli Enterprise Console destination server IDs separated by ",", such as:
    -p SitInfo="SEV=Critical;TFWD=Y;TDST=100"
    For finding valid server IDs, use the tacmd listeventdest command.
-l|--local filename
Indicates the file name of the local situation definition to edit, so no changes are made to the situation definition on the monitoring server.
Disables the message that asks if you are sure you want to edit the situation.

CLI example

The command in the example edits the No_Transactions definition to not run at startup, which requires the situation to be started manually.

   tacmd editSit -s No_Transactions -p RunOnStart=NO

The command in the example edits the SaveWork definition to run at startup.

tacmd editsit -s SaveWork -p Desc="Alerts User to save.." 
Formula="*IF *VALUE Local_Time.Minutes *GT 31" Advice="Please save your work..."
Interval="000/001500" Distribution="Primary:HDCHASDSTC0219:NT"
Action="net send HDCHASDSTC0219 Please Save your Work.." RunOnStart=Yes

Return values

See Return codes

Related commands

tacmd createSit

tacmd deleteSit

tacmd listSit

tacmd viewSit


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