Impact of server rename on Lifecycle Query Engine and the Link Index Provider

You might encounter issues that relate to server rename and the Lifecycle Query Engine and the Link Index Provider.

After you complete the basic server rename for applications that are registered to the Jazz® Team Server, extra steps are required to ensure that Lifecycle Query Engine and the Link Index Provider can find the application data.

About this task

For general information about renaming the servers, see the topics under Changing the public URL by using server rename.

When you rename the applications' servers, you change the public URLs of referenced artifacts. You must complete the following steps to ensure that LQE can locate and index those artifacts.

Because the Lifecycle Query Engine does not support server rename by using the mapping file, the LQE indexes must be rebuilt after all the indexed applications are renamed.

  1. Preparing for server rename
  2. During server rename
  3. After server rename
  4. (Optional) Manually changing server or node names
Note: If you installed the Link Index Provider (LDX) application because you are using configurations of versioned artifacts, repeat the rename process, using the appropriate URLs and file names as noted in the steps.

Preparing for server rename

Before you begin

Before you unregister the Lifecycle Query Engine and Link Index Provider applications, ensure to generate the mappings.txt file and modify it so that the LQE entry corresponds to its new server. For information about generating and preparing mapping files, see Preparing the mapping file.

About this task

Before you can rename the CLM application servers, you must unregister the LQE or Link Index Provider (LDX) applications. This prevents JTS from creating a .mappingEvents file and including the LQE and LDX applications in the list of servers.


  1. On the LQE Administration page, remove the data sources that are hosted on servers that are being renamed. Data source on servers that are not being rename can remain indexed.

    For LQE, the URL is http://<Host_name>:<port>/lqe/web/admin/data-sources

    For LDX, the URL is http://<Host_name>:<port>/ldx/web/admin/data-sources

  2. On the LQE Compaction page, compact the index.

    For LQE, the URL is http://<Host_name>:<port>/lqe/web/admin/compaction

    For LDX, the URL is http://<Host_name>:<port>/ldx/web/admin/compaction

  3. On the JTS Administration page, click Server and under Configurations, click Registered Applications. Unregister the LQE and LDX applications.


  4. If LQE or LDX is on a different server, stop the JTS server.

During server rename

About this task

After you run the URL import command and before you restart the server, you must configure LQE or Link Index Provider (LDX) to delegate authentication to Jazz Team Server.


  1. If a .mappingEvents file was created for LQE or LDX as part of a rename of Jazz Team Server, remove the file. For LQE, the file is located in the /server/conf/lqe folder; for LDX, it is in the /server/conf/ldx folder.
  2. Configure LQE to delegate authentication to Jazz Team Server if the Jazz Team Server or LQE servers are renamed.
    1. Locate the file. For LQE, the file is located in the /server/conf/lqe folder; for LDX, it is in the /server/conf/ldx folder.
      The location is also the value for this JVM system property: -Dlqe.config.location, which is in the same folder.
    2. In the file, set this LQE property: configMode=true.

After server rename

About this task

After you complete a server rename, you must reregister the LQE or Link Index Provider (LDX) applications with the JTS.
Important: You must complete these post-rename steps before verifying server rename for Report Builder.


  1. If LQE or LDX is on a separate server, start the server.
  2. If the LQE, LDX, or JTS host was renamed, register LQE or LDX with the Jazz Team Server again.
  3. For LQE, on the Data Sources page, add each of the data sources again, and regenerate the index for each data source.


  4. Restart the JTS server and if LQE is on a separate server, restart LQE.
  5. If any large data sources were removed and added again, compact the LQE index.


(Optional) Manually changing server or node names

Because LQE and Link Index Provider (LDX) do not participate in the server rename process for the CLM applications, the server names do not automatically change when rename is complete. You can manually rename the LQE and LDX servers. The server name for LQE and for LDX is an identifier; a display name only. By default, to identify different LQE or LDX nodes, the current host name is added as the node ID; it is set the first time each node is started. However, the node ID does not have to be a host name; as administrator, you can change it to be whatever you want.


  1. In the Lifecycle Query Engine Administration page navigation, under Configuration, click LQE Nodes.
  2. For each server or node that you want to rename, click on the associated node link.
  3. Type a new name for the node.