How do I manage scoring model alerts?

Learn about managing scoring model alerts.

An alert is a message received when a contact performs an action, such as when a score or rank threshold is reached or when a contact submits a Web form, downloads a file, or enters a program.

You can perform these tasks:
  • Create and edit alerts
  • Send alerts using email.
  • Add a contact insight to an alert.

The Alert Manager

The Alert Manager is the repository for all alerts. Use the Alert Manager to:

  • Create new alerts based on contact actions (score or rank threshold reached, submits Web form, downloads file, and enters a program). The behavior events alerts are directly associated to a database while the Score and Rank alerts are associated with a Score model.
  • List all alerts associated with an organization.
  • Pause and resume alerts: the Pause option allows you to suspend alerts, giving you opportunity to change the Score models without changing any of the alerts. Selecting Resume will continue sending the alerts.
  • Delete an alert.
  • Edit an alert.
  • Add a Contact Insight link to an alert.