How is the single mailing report metrics calculated

Acoustic Campaign first calculates the total number of persons in your contact source that are available to send to (not displayed). Next, it calculates which addresses in your database need to be suppressed for the send and removes them from the total. It then adds inbox monitoring addresses (if enabled) and seed contacts (if any). Acoustic Campaign then displays the total number of valid contacts from your contact source (contact source available minus suppressed). Sent Messages is then the sum final result of the calculation.

For example: you have 100 contacts in your database. You choose to send to the 100, but Acoustic Campaign discovers that 15 are suppressed for some reason (review the Suppression Report for more details). The contact source contacts display 85 and suppressed shows 15. Also, in this example you have a seedlist that contains five people and you enable Inbox Monitoring and five inboxes are reporting.

The sum is derived as follows:
  • Total Sent messages = contact source (value not displayed) - suppressed + Inbox Monitoring + Seed + Contact Source Contacts (total of valid addresses that are being sent to).
  • Delivered = Total Sent messages - hard bounces - soft bounces.