How do unsubscribes appear in reporting?

Contacts who unsubscribe from an email have an event type of Opt-Out.

The Opt-Out event type can be generated in three different ways:
  • Clicking an Opt-Out type link.
  • Replying to the email with a message that asks to unsubscribe.
  • Click report as spam in AOL, Gmail, Yahoo!, Hotmail, and other email providers.
If a report is created by using the RawRecipientDataExport, you might see the following items in the report:
  • Contacts who use the unsubscribe link, if it is not an Opt-Out (to email) or Opt-Out (custom) type link, then Opt-Out events that are associated with the contact are in the export.
  • Contacts who reply to an email address that is set up for Reply Handling, create an Opt-Out event. These two contacts are indistinguishable.
  • Contacts who has clicked on spam or junk links are Opt-Out events.
  • Contacts who has clicked on Reply Abuse events.