How are attachment opens and downloads reported

Multiple attachments of any file type can be associated to an email. Attachments can either be embedded within the email or provided as a link to download.

Embedded attachments are handled similarly to files attached directly within an email client. Embedded attachments increase the email size and can affect delivery in some email environments. These attachments cannot be tracked for reporting purposes.

Non-embedded attachments are uploaded to Acoustic Campaign content distribution network and are referenced in an email with a tracked hyperlink. Clicking this link allows a recipient to either download or open the attachment. This type of attachment has minimal impact on email size, has no negative impact on deliverability, and allows for tracking/reporting of attachment downloads.

You can also choose to host the file yourself and provide the URL via a tracked hyperlink. Finally, you can also host the file on a landing page site. Though not exactly an attachment, you might want to host the file to impart further information that is not mentioned in the email, such as providing further context about the contents of the attachment.