Quick start guide

IBM® Spectrum LSF quick start guide

Version 10.1.0

This guide describes a quick and easy way to get up and running with the product.


IBM Spectrum LSF 10.1.0 Licensed Materials - Property of IBM. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2023. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

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About this task

Product overview

IBM Spectrum LSF (LSF) is a powerful workload management platform for demanding, distributed HPC environments. It provides a comprehensive set of intelligent, policy-driven scheduling features that enables full utilization of your compute infrastructure resources and ensure optimal application performance.


  1. Access the software and documentation packages

    Download the LSF installer package, product distribution packages, and product entitlement files from IBM Passport Advantage.

    Refer to the YouTube video for help with downloading LSF through IBM Passport Advantage.

  2. Access the documentation

    Find LSF documentation in IBM Documentation. You can search all the content in IBM Documentation, search within a product, or restrict your search to one version of a product.

    Sign in with your IBMid to take full advantage of the personalization features available in IBM Documentation. Create and print custom collections of documents you use regularly, and communicate with colleagues and IBM by adding comments to topics.

  3. Check the recommended hardware and system configuration

    For detailed LSF system support information, refer to IBM Spectrum LSF system requirements and compatibility.

  4. Review the installation steps
    Follow the installation topics for steps to plan and install IBM Spectrum LSF, including installed directory structure, host setup, and failover configuration.
  5. Get fixes from IBM Fix Central
    After you install or upgrade LSF, use IBM Fix Central to find and download the fixes supported for LSF products. From IBM Fix Central, you can search, select, order, and download fixes for your system with a choice of delivery options. For the steps, see Getting fixes from IBM Fix Central.
  6. Get started
    After you install and configure IBM Spectrum LSF, start to use it by referring to the administration topics.

What to do next

More information
For more information about LSF, see the following resources:

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