IBM WebSphereTM eXtreme Scale, Release 8.6
API Specification


This package contains the interfaces and classes for querying and managing the OSGi service versions used in the WebSphere eXtreme Scale.


Interface Summary
ObjectGridOSGiManager An ObjectGridOSGiManager is responsible for querying and managing the OSGi services currently used for an ObjectGrid instance.
OSGiServiceRepository The eXtreme Scale runtime tracks all the services that are configured as user plug-ins.

Class Summary
OSGiManagerFactory A factory to get the following objects: ObjectGridOSGiManager for managing OSGi service for a local or client ObjectGrid instance.
OSGiServiceRepository.OSGiServiceKey The name of the entities that each OSGi Service is scoped to.
ProxyHelper A helper class for the OSGi service proxy.

Exception Summary
ServiceNotAvailableException A ServiceNotAvailableException indicates one or more specific service rankings are not available.
ServiceUpdateException A ServiceUpdateException is thrown if an OSGi service fails to update to a specific service ranking.

Package Description

This package contains the interfaces and classes for querying and managing the OSGi service versions used in the WebSphere eXtreme Scale.


The APIs included in this package allow querying and managing the OSGi services that are in use by the eXtreme Scale runtime in the current process. These are useful when the process is hosting an eXtreme Scale client or local cache.

Use the xscmd administration utility to query and update the OSGi service versions for eXtreme Scale servers running in an OSGi framework.

The following OSGi service version management functions are available:

  1. Query the currently used OSGi service rankings for one ObjectGrid instance.
  2. Query the currently used OSGi service rankings for all ObjectGrid instances.
  3. Check if specific OSGi service rankings are available.
  4. Query all available OSGi service rankings.
The class provides methods useService(String, String) and useService(Map) to update the service versions for a local or client-side ObjectGrid instance.

IBM WebSphereTM eXtreme Scale, Release 8.6
API Specification

© Copyright International Business Machines Corp 2005,2012. All rights reserved.