Trace reference

Use this reference to enable and disable trace for integration servers by creating and deleting trace objects in the Red Hat® OpenShift® web console or CLI.

Availability: Tracing is available only for integration servers whose spec.version value resolves to or later.


The Trace API enables you to enable and manage trace for a deployed integration server if you cannot get enough information about a particular problem from the entries that are available in the log. Trace provides more details about what is happening while code runs, and can be analyzed to discover the cause of your problem.

Two types of trace are available for an integration server:

  • User trace: Enable user trace to help you debug your integration solutions; you can trace integration servers and their deployed message flows.
  • Service trace: Enable service trace only when you receive an error message that instructs you to, or when you are directed to do so by IBM® support. When active, service trace performs more comprehensive integration server tracing and tracks the execution of commands.

When you start user or service trace, additional processing occurs for activities in the integration server that you are tracing, so there might be some effect on performance while the trace is active. You can limit this additional processing by restricting how long the trace is active for.

When you deploy a trace custom resource (CR) to create a trace object, you must specify a running integration server on which you want to enable and run the trace. Only one trace can be enabled at a time on an integration server.



Red Hat OpenShift SecurityContextConstraints requirements

IBM App Connect runs under the default restricted SecurityContextConstraints.

Enabling trace by creating a trace object after deploying an integration

To enable (or start) user or service trace on a deployed integration server, you can create a trace object by using the Red Hat OpenShift web console or CLI.

  • After you create a trace object, you cannot update its custom resource settings. If you want to change the type of trace that is currently active for an integration server, you must delete the existing trace object and then create a new trace object of the required type.
  • If a pod is restarted or a new replica is added while trace is active, trace will be started on that pod within 60 seconds because the trace reconcile loop is scheduled to run every minute. However, there is a possibility that some trace data might be lost during this interval.

Before you begin

Ensure that the Prerequisites are met.

Namespace restriction for an instance, server, configuration, or trace:

The namespace in which you create an instance or object must be no more than 40 characters in length.

Creating a trace object from the Red Hat OpenShift web console

To create a trace object by using the Red Hat OpenShift web console, complete the following steps:

  1. Applicable to IBM Cloud Pak for Integration only:
    1. If not already logged in, log in to the IBM Cloud Pak Platform UI for your cluster.
    2. From the Platform UI home page, click Install operators or OpenShift Container Platform, and log in if prompted.
  2. Applicable to an independent deployment of IBM App Connect Operator only: From a browser window, log in to the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform web console. Ensure that you are in the Administrator perspective Administrator perspective of the web console.
  3. From the navigation, click Operators > Installed Operators.
  4. If required, select the namespace (project) in which you installed the IBM App Connect Operator.
  5. From the Installed Operators page, click IBM App Connect.
  6. From the Operator details page for the App Connect Operator, click the Trace tab. Any previously created trace objects are displayed in a table.
  7. Click Create Trace.

    From the Details tab on the Operator details page, you can also locate the Trace tile and click Create instance to specify installation settings for the trace object.

  8. Specify the settings for a user or service trace by using either of the following methods:
    • From the Form view, complete the fields to specify a preferred name for the trace object, the integration server that you want to collect trace for, and the type of trace to be collected.
    • If you prefer to use the YAML view, click YAML View and then update the contents of the YAML editor with the parameters and values that you require for this trace object.

      To view the full set of parameters and values available, see Custom resource values.

    The following YAML code shows an example of what the custom field definitions of your trace object should look like for a user trace.

    kind: Trace
      name: trace-user-is-fd-toolkit
      namespace: mynamespace
      integrationServerName: is-fd-toolkit
      type: user

    The following YAML code shows an example of what the custom field definitions of your trace object should look like for a service trace.

    kind: Trace
      name: trace-service-is-fd-toolkit
      namespace: mynamespace
      integrationServerName: is-fd-toolkit
      type: service
  9. Click Create. An entry for the trace object is shown in the Traces table with a Ready status.
  10. Click the trace object name to view information about its definition. On the Events tab, you should see a notification that the trace has started for the integration server pod as shown in the following example.
    Events tab for a trace object in the web console

    You can use the breadcrumb trail to return to the (previous) Operator details page for Traces. The status for the trace object is shown as Ready in the Traces table.

Tip: If you access the Servers page of your App Connect Dashboard instance after the trace object is created, you should notice that the integration server tile now shows the status as Ready (trace enabled).
Integration server tile in the App Connect Dashboard with a "Ready (trace enabled)" status

What to do next

  • When you have collected some trace information, you can download the trace to your computer for analysis. You can do so from your App Connect Dashboard instance as described in Downloading the user or service trace log files.
  • If you want to erase the trace information that has been written to an integration server's trace log files, you can use a reset option. You can do so from your App Connect Dashboard instance as described in Clearing user or service trace information.

Creating a trace object from the Red Hat OpenShift CLI

To create a trace object from the Red Hat OpenShift CLI, complete the following steps.

  1. From your local computer, create a YAML file that contains the configuration for the trace object that you want to create. Include the metadata.namespace parameter to identify the namespace in which you want to create the trace; this should be the same namespace where the integration server is created.

    To view the full set of parameters and values available, see Custom resource values.

    The following YAML code shows an example of what the custom field definitions of your trace object should look like for a user trace.

    kind: Trace
      name: trace-user-is-fd-toolkit
      namespace: mynamespace
      integrationServerName: is-fd-toolkit
      type: user

    The following YAML code shows an example of what the custom field definitions of your trace object should look like for a service trace.

    kind: Trace
      name: trace-service-is-fd-toolkit
      namespace: mynamespace
      integrationServerName: is-fd-toolkit
      type: service
  2. Save this file with a .yaml extension; for example, myintserver_usertrc_cr.yaml.
  3. From the command line, run the following command to create the trace object in your Red Hat OpenShift cluster. (Use the name of the .yaml file that you created.)
    oc apply -f myintserver_usertrc_cr.yaml
  4. Run the following command to check the status of the trace object and verify that it is ready:
    oc get traces -n namespace

    You should see output similar to this.

    trace-user-is-fd-toolkit   139m   user        is-fd-toolkit       Ready

What to do next

  • When you have collected some trace information, you can download the trace to your computer for analysis. You can do so from your App Connect Dashboard instance as described in Downloading the user or service trace log files.
  • If you want to erase the trace information that has been written to an integration server's trace log files, you can use a reset option. You can do so from your App Connect Dashboard instance as described in Clearing user or service trace information.

Collecting trace from an integration server container that is crashing

If an integration server container is crashing, you can use an environment variable to prevent the container from stopping so that the trace can be collected as normal. To do so, you must edit the integration server CR and use the spec.env parameter to set an environment variable named MQSI_PREVENT_CONTAINER_SHUTDOWN to true.
      value: 'true'

For information about editing an integration server's CR, see Integration Server reference: Updating the custom resource settings for an instance.

Disabling trace by deleting a trace object

To disable (or stop) an active user or service trace, you can delete the trace object by using the Red Hat OpenShift web console or CLI. When you delete a trace object, the trace log files are retained in the system. For information about the location of these files, see Downloading the user or service trace log files. Also note that if you delete an integration server, any trace object which references that integration server (in spec.integrationServerName) is also automatically deleted.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have cluster administrator authority or have been granted the appropriate role-based access control (RBAC).

Deleting a trace object from the Red Hat OpenShift web console

To delete a trace object by using the Red Hat OpenShift web console, complete the following steps:

  1. Applicable to IBM Cloud Pak for Integration only:
    1. If not already logged in, log in to the IBM Cloud Pak Platform UI for your cluster.
    2. From the Platform UI home page, click Install operators or OpenShift Container Platform, and log in if prompted.
  2. Applicable to an independent deployment of IBM App Connect Operator only: From a browser window, log in to the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform web console. Ensure that you are in the Administrator perspective Administrator perspective of the web console.
  3. From the navigation, click Operators > Installed Operators.
  4. If required, select the namespace (project) in which you installed the IBM App Connect Operator.
  5. From the Installed Operators page, click IBM App Connect.
  6. From the Operator details page for the App Connect Operator, click the Trace tab.
  7. Locate the trace object that you want to delete.
  8. Click the options icon (Options menu) to open the options menu, and then click the Delete option.
  9. Confirm the deletion.

Deleting a trace object from the Red Hat OpenShift CLI

To delete a trace object from the Red Hat OpenShift CLI, complete the following steps.

  1. From the command line, log in to your Red Hat OpenShift cluster by using the oc login command.
  2. From the namespace where the trace object is deployed, run the following command to delete this object, where traceName is the value of the parameter.
    oc delete trace traceName

Custom resource values

The following table lists the configurable parameters and default values for trace objects.

Parameter Description Default


The API version that identifies which schema is used for this object.


The resource type.


A unique short name by which the trace object can be identified.

  • If the trace object is created from the Red Hat OpenShift web console or CLI, you can specify a preferred name.
  • If the trace object is created by starting a trace from an integration server's tile in the App Connect Dashboard, the integration server's name is automatically assigned to the trace.


The namespace (project) in which the trace object and the referenced integration server are created.

The namespace in which you create an instance or object must be no more than 40 characters in length.


The name of a deployed integration server that you want to collect trace for.


The type of trace.

Valid values are user and service. For more information about each trace type, see Introduction.


Supported platforms

Red Hat OpenShift: Supports the amd64, s390x, and ppc64le CPU architectures. For more information, see Supported platforms.