Changing message flow behavior

You can change the behavior that is taken by your message flows to process messages in different ways and at different times.

About this task

If one or more of the default behaviors that are described in Default message flow behavior is not sufficient or appropriate for your message processing, you can change some characteristics of that behavior at different times during the design, development, and production cycles:

Behavior you can change when you design your message flows

About this task

You can influence the behavior of your message flows when you set message flow node properties, and when you connect together the nodes that you select to run in that flow.
Transactional support
You can configure your message flows to handle your messages, and other data, in transactions. These options are described in Configuring transactionality for message flows.
Error handling
App Connect Enterprise provides an initial level of error processing for all message flows. If you require further support in your message flows, you can add your own processing. You can learn more about these options in Handling errors in message flows.

The message flow nodes that support some protocols provide extra default error handling; this support is described, where relevant, in the sections in Connecting client applications.

Data conversion
If you are exchanging messages between unlike systems, you can update App Connect Enterprise or IBM MQ configuration, or design and supply your own conversion procedures. Options are described in Configuring message flows for data conversion.
User-defined properties
You can create user-defined properties for your message flows to associate values with those message flows. You can then configure the nodes in your message flows to access those properties and their values by coding ESQL or Java™ programs. Read more about user-defined properties, and see how to create them in the Message Flow editor.
Promoted properties
You can promote some message flow node properties to the level of the message flow in which the node is included. The advantages of this technique are described in Promoted properties; see Defining a promoted property for details of how to use these properties.

Behavior you can change when you deploy your message flows

About this task

After you have decided on the message flow content, you can change some aspects of its operation before or after deployment.
Configurable properties and BAR overrides
Some of the properties on message flow nodes are configurable; that is, you can change their values when you deploy the message flow. By using this option, you can change some characteristics of a deployed message flow without changing the message flow definitions. For example, you can update queue manager and data source information in the BAR file when you deploy it.

You can change these values by using the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit or the mqsiapplybaroverride command.

The execution and threading model
You can increase the number of threads that your message flows use to reduce the time in which your messages are handled. You can also deploy multiple copies of a message flow to one or more integration nodes. For more information, see Optimizing message flow throughput.

Behavior you can change at any time

About this task

The following technique can be implemented at any time in the solution lifecycle to enable developers, administrators, and operators to dynamically control certain aspects of message flow behavior.
A policy enables you to define a common approach to controlling certain aspects of message flow behavior, including flow rate, and particular node properties such as connection credentials. You can update a policy at any time in the solution lifecycle. For more information about policies, see Overriding properties at run time with policies.

Behavior you can change during message flow processing

About this task

If you want to change the behavior of your message flows in a more dynamic way, you can use the techniques that are described here. However, you must design your message flows so that they can take advantage of these additional services.
By using a policy, you can create and configure properties that relate to external services called by the integration node from your message flows.

Learn more about this option in Overriding properties at run time with policies.

Local environment overrides
You can configure some nodes to include your own processing; by coding ESQL, Java, or maps, you can modify the contents of the local environment tree within a message. Some fields in the local environment are used by nodes to determine how the message is processed, therefore by changing the tree contents, you can influence the behavior of subsequent nodes in the message flow. For more information about this option, see Transforming and enriching messages.