Solution Installation Guide  7.5.0
Troubleshooting > Common Problems >

Errors Using the DataDirect ODBC Driver Manager on UNIX with Locale Other Than en_US

A default installation of DataDirect ODBC Driver Manager on UNIX® assumes that the LANG environment value is en_US. If your locale is not set to en_US, then the driver may not connect to the database. You may recieve an error message such as the following:

The driver returned invalid (or failed to return) SQL_DRIVER_ODBC_VER:


[DataDirect][ODBC lib] Driver does not support this function

The same error can occur if the process sets the locale by calling setlocale with an explicitly defined value, and that value is not en_US.

To correct the error, create a symbolic link in the installation_location/locale directory that has the same value as the LANG environment setting. This link must point to the installation_location/locale/en_US directory. For IBM Cognos products, this link should use the same value as the Cognos Shared.Locale.Native Locale property in Configuration Manager.

For more information, see the ODBCREAD.ME document, located in the driver installation directory.