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Class IloAlgorithm::NotExtractedException

Definition file: ilconcert/iloalg.h
Map of IloAlgorithm::NotExtractedExceptionIloAlgorithm::NotExtractedExceptionIloAlgorithm::NotExtractedExceptionIloAlgorithm::ExceptionIloException
The class of exceptions thrown if an extractable object has no value in the current solution of an algorithm.

If an expression, numeric variable, objective, or array of extractable objects has no value in the current solution of an algorithm, this exception is thrown.

Method Summary
public const IloAlgorithmI *getAlgorithm() const
public const IloExtractable &getExtractable()
public NotExtractedException(const IloAlgorithmI *, const IloExtractable)
Inherited Methods from Exception
Inherited Methods from IloException
end, getMessage, IloException
Method Detail


public NotExtractedException(const IloAlgorithmI *, const IloExtractable)

The constructor NotExtractedException creates an exception thrown from the algorithm object alg for the extractable object extr.


public const IloAlgorithmI * getAlgorithm() const

The member function getAlgorithm returns the algorithm from which the exception was thrown.


public const IloExtractable & getExtractable()

The member function getExtractable returns the extractable object that triggered the exception.