How to invoke the conflict refiner

Describes routines and methods to invoke the conflict refiner in CPLEX.

Table 1 summarizes the methods and routines that invoke the conflict refiner, depending on the component or API that you choose.

A conflict refiner operating on constraints and domains of variables is also available in CP Optimizer, the constraint programming engine of IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio, in the methods IloCP::refineConflict. For more information about those methods, see the concept Conflict Refiner in CP Optimizer as well as the documentation of those methods in the reference manual of the C++ API.

Table 1. Conflict Refiner
API or Component Invoke Conflict Refiner Access Results Save Results
Concert Technology for C++ Users IloCplex::refineConflict getConflict writeConflict
Concert Technology for Java Users IloCplex.refineConflict getConflict writeConflict
Concert Technology for .NET Users Cplex.RefineConflict GetConflict WriteConflict
Callable Library





Interactive Optimizer conflict display conflict all write file.clp

The following sections explain more about these methods and routines.