Restoring original artifacts

Use the Restore Original Artifacts option to clean up your portal artifacts. It overwrites the EAR file shipped with the WebSphere® Portal installation.

Before you begin

Invoke this option if the wps.ear file becomes corrupted, or to restore the wps.ear file to the original IBM® version of the enterprise application. The Restore Original Artifacts option:
  • Uninstalls the existing wps.ear file.
  • Picks up the pristine wps.ear file from the $PortalServer\installableApps directory and installs it.
This option cleans up an EAR file; it does not reset the portal database. Configuration information such as page layouts, labels, or portlets on a page remains untouched.
Note: The Restoring Original Artifacts functionality is not supported on the WebSphere Portal Express® server.


To restore the portal artifacts:

  1. Open the Servers view by clicking Window > Show View > Servers
  2. Right-click on the server definition in the Servers view and select Restore Original Artifacts.
