
You can see the contents of a program and how the program is progressing. You can run the program questionnaires and assessments with clients, and repeat them if needed. The date when an assessment or questionnaire was started or completed is displayed.

The Programs page has two panes. One pane shows a tree structure of the modules and their child questionnaires and assessments. The other pane shows the currently selected questionnaire or assessment.
  1. Related questionnaires and assessments are grouped into modules. You can see the number of questionnaires or assessments in each module and how many are complete. The modules, assessments, and questionnaires automatically refresh to show the latest content that is configured for the program by your Administrator. You are notified when new program content is available.
  2. To display a questionnaire or assessment on the page, click the name in the navigation menu.
  3. When you complete a questionnaire or assessment, it is marked as complete with a check mark. Completed questionnaires and assessments are saved as read-only. To update information, repeat the questionnaire or assessment.
  4. When you repeat a questionnaire or assessment, to improve efficiency, some or all of the answers to the questions might be prefilled with the responses given by the client the last time the assessment was completed (if configured by your Administrator). An information message is shown when some or all of the answers are prefilled.
    Note: If the assessment or questionnaire contains prefilled answers to conditional questions and you change an answer so that the conditional question is hidden, and then change the answer again to show the question, the original prefilled answer to the conditional question is cleared. Before you complete the assessment or questionnaire, you can refresh the page to see all prefilled answers again.
  5. When you repeat a questionnaire or assessment, another record is created and a counter is updated. To see a previous record, click the counter, and select the record by completion date.
  6. If you complete an assessment or questionnaire and then reassign the program or assign a new program, the newly assigned program is updated with historical completed instances of the assessments or questionnaires (if configured by your Administrator). You can repeat the assessments and questionnaires for each newly assigned program. Note: Depending on the configuration that is set by your Administrator, for some assessments and questionnaires, you might only see historical versions when you complete the assessment or questionnaire for the first time on the program.
  7. The fields of a completed questionnaire or assessment are read-only. When the status of a program is Not Enrolled, Disenrolled, or Completed the program's questionnaires and assessments are read only.
Note: If Watson Care Manager is integrated with an external application, the Program page also displays completed assessments and questionnaires for the client that come from the other application. For more information, see Assessments data and Questionnaires data.