Monitoring tasks that apply to clients

If organization units are enabled for your organization, you can view a list of tasks that users of your organization unit created. Tasks can also be automatically generated from a program, assessment, or questionnaire. By default, the Tasks list page shows your open tasks.

About this task

The Tasks list can change dynamically to show only the tasks that you clicked to see on the Care Manager workspace, for example, only the tasks that you must complete today or for a selected calendar date, only your overdue tasks, or only your unscheduled tasks.

By applying one of the predefined page filters or by adding a new one, you can change or further filter your Tasks list. For example, you might apply a filter to display only open tasks that are assigned to your role.

Tasks are categorized by activity as follows: Admin, Care Opportunity, Clinical Discharge Follow Up, Documentation, Follow Up, Other, Physical Contact, or Referral. The Tasks list provides context information so that you know the task category.

You can see who created or updated a task by clicking the tooltip on a user name.


  1. Sign in to your account.
    Your home page opens.
  2. From the Side Navigation Menu, select Tasks.
    The Tasks page opens.
  3. Review each task by name, priority, associated client, category, the user that the task is assigned to, and its due date.
  4. To identify a user who created or updated a task, click the tooltip on the user name and review the care team member's profile and contact details, assigned roles, and organization unit (if enabled).
  5. Change or further filter your Tasks list view based on specific search criteria.
    • Click the filter icon to open the Filter page.
    • Select one or more check boxes that correspond to your search criteria. You can search for only your tasks in a specific state (Open, Closed, Overdue, Unscheduled), or tasks that are assigned to your role in a specific state (Open, Closed, Overdue), or all tasks in a specific state (Open, Closed, Created by Me).
    • Optionally click Add Filter to add another filter to the predefined filters that you already selected or independently of predefined filters. You can further refine your list view by Assigned To, Category, Due Date, Priority, or Status. Enter the details for your filter selection. You can add only one new filter to each column.
    • Click Apply to apply the filter. You can remove the page filters by clicking Reset at any time. If you clear applied filters, the task list reverts to show a complete list of open and closed tasks that you and other users of your organization unit created.
  6. Click a client's name.
    Where tasks relate to a client, the individual's name is displayed. If you have access to their protected health information, you can click a name to access the client's Summary View. Otherwise, the link to the Summary View is not available. If you need access to the information, you must be added to the client's care team. Alternatively, if configured by your organization, you can request emergency access to that individual in critical circumstances. If a member is removed from the care team, any outstanding tasks for the client that are currently assigned to the care team member must be reassigned to another care team member.