API security and access

To access the Watson Care Manager REST API services and resources, you must have valid authorization permissions and be authenticated.

With IBM Cloud, you can directly connect to the Watson Care Manager API endpoints from any internet routable location (over TCP/IP). Assuming you can route from your location to the internet, and your network perimeter device is configured appropriately, Watson Care Manager can expose the API endpoints.
Before you begin: Before you can access API resources, Watson Care Manager requires certain information about your external system. In addition, Watson Care Manager may also need to share certain information with you. Note: You must agree the method of exchange for confidential information, like endpoints and certificates, with your IBM client executive at the time of engagement.

The IBM App ID service authorizes your access to the API resources. To achieve this, you must obtain tokens using App ID. In addition, mutual transport layer security (TLS) must be set up between your external system and Watson Care Manager so that the API calls are sent and received securely.