Resolving connection issues

To ensure that metadata is being updated in IBM Storage Insights, investigate connection issues.

About this task

To send capacity, space, performance, and configuration metadata, the data collectors establish a connection between your data center andIBM Storage Insights. To determine whether the connection is active, the data collectors periodically send a signal to IBM Storage Insights. If it does not receive a signal from a data collector for a period greater than 10 minutes, a warning message is generated. The purpose of the warning message is as follows:
  • To notify you that the device metadata shown in IBM Storage Insights might not be up to date.
  • To investigate whether the connection between your data center and IBM Storage Insights is still active.
Remember: If you download the data collector and start IBM Storage Insights without adding devices for monitoring, the connection between the data center and the GUI remains active. If the connection is not active, a warning message is generated and you must resolve the connectivity issue before you add devices and collect metadata.


To resolve connection issues, complete one or more of the following steps:

  1. Check whether the server that hosts the data collector is running.
    To find out the name of the server, click Configuration > Data Collectors.
  2. Verify that a storage system can connect to a data collector.
    1. Go to the storage system page. For example, for a block storage system, go to Resources > Block Storage Systems.
    2. Right-click the storage system, then click Connections > Test Connection.
    3. If the connection fails, you can right-click the storage system, then click Connections > Modify Connection to modify the connection.
    4. The data collector requires valid credentials to connect to the storage system. No attempts to collect metadata are made until the credentials are updated.
  3. Manually restart the data collector. See Stopping and starting the data collector service.
  4. Contact your Storage Administrator and Network Administrator to ensure that the firewall policy or proxy server rules allow the data collector to IBM Storage Insights through TCP protocol on port 443.
  5. If the issue is still not resolved, explore the support options in Getting support.