Updates and maintenance for IBM Storage Insights

IBM Storage Insights is an IBM Cloud®™ service. Because it's a cloud service, IBM® manages and upgrades the service for you. Learn about what to expect during maintenance updates and service outages.

What are planned updates

  • Frequency: About 4 times per year
  • How you're notified: An email is sent and a notification is displayed in the GUI.

Planned updates occur about four times per year or once per quarter. You'll be notified of the dates and times for each update in advance so you know when new features and enhancements are being added. To reduce the business impact of scheduled maintenance, the update occurs during non-business hours.

If any issues occur during the upgrade, you'll be notified promptly.

Unplanned service outages and updates: IBM is constantly improving the reliability and security of IBM Storage Insights. If an unscheduled update is required to address an urgent situation, a page is displayed that describes the cause of the update and the expected duration of the service interruption.

In cases where IBM Storage Insights becomes temporarily unavailable, rest assured that the IBM team is working hard to bring the service back online quickly.

What's updated

IBM is always adding new features and updating the infrastructure, security, and stability of IBM Storage Insights to improve your experience. Enhanced analytics, troubleshooting capabilities, more efficient data collection, and general fixes are built in to every update, so your experience is better and the IBM Support team can assist you more effectively.

In addition to the built-in updates, key features are added to improve the monitoring and support of IBM Storage Insights as a storage management service. To view descriptions of the new features and learn how you can benefit from the enhanced features, check out the what's new information that is provided with every update.

What's New in IBM Storage Insights

Is there any other impact

When the update to IBM Storage Insights is complete, data collection resumes sending metadata to IBM Storage Insights automatically. The data collectors continue to collect performance metadata when your instance of IBM Storage Insights is offline during service outages where there was no upgrade to the data collectors.

Upgrading data collectors after a service update:

If automatic upgrades are enabled, your data collectors are upgraded.

If automatic upgrades are disabled, you must manually upgrade your data collectors. To upgrade the data collectors, simply click the link in the notification message, or complete the following steps:
  1. From the Configuration menu, click Data Collectors.
  2. Click Upgrade All.

If you encounter issues and can't upgrade the data collectors, you might have to download and install the latest version of the data collector. For more information, see Resolving upgrading issues.

Getting help

If you have questions or encounter any problems during an update, check out these resources:
  • Open a support ticket on the IBM Support portal at https://www.ibm.com/mysupport/, for problems with the update or service.
  • Connect directly with experts in the IBM Storage Community.
    Tip: Be sure to join the IBM Storage Community so that you can automatically receive notifications about the latest blogs, discussions, and other updates for IBM Storage Insights.

See Getting support.


IBM Storage Insights and IBM Storage Insights Pro are governed by the terms in the following documents: Your continued use of IBM Storage Insights or IBM Storage Insights Pro indicates your acceptance of the terms that are referenced in these documents.