Interface AgentStatsMXBean

  • @MXBean
    public interface AgentStatsMXBean
    Provides statistics for agents and events. Note that you have to call the bean on each partition to get the statistics for that partition.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      static java.lang.String TYPE 
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      int getAgentCount()
      The number of times agents have processed an event.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.List<InvocationStats>> getAgentStats()
      Returns a list of InvocationStats for individual agents in a map keyed by the event type.
      java.util.List<InvocationStats> getAgentStats(java.lang.String type)
      Returns a list of InvocationStats for individual agents corresponding to the event identified by type.
      long getAgentTime()
      The amount of time in nanoseconds taken to process all agent calls.
      long getEngineCacheHits()
      The number of times an engine was retrieved from cache.
      long getEngineCacheMisses()
      The number of times an engine was created.
      int getEventCount()
      The number of times events have fired.
      java.util.List<InvocationStats> getEventStats()
      Returns a list of InvocationStats for individual events.
      InvocationStats getEventStats(java.lang.String type)
      Returns an InvocationStats for the event having a class name matching the type argument.
      long getEventTime()
      The amount of time in nanoseconds taken to process all events.
      long getTriggerTime()
      The amount of time in nanoseconds taken to process all triggered calls.
      void resetStats()
      Reset the server statistics to their initial values
    • Method Detail

      • getEventCount

        int getEventCount()
        The number of times events have fired.
        A count of events.
      • getAgentCount

        int getAgentCount()
        The number of times agents have processed an event.
        A count of agent processes.
      • getEventTime

        long getEventTime()
        The amount of time in nanoseconds taken to process all events.
        A time in nanoseconds.
      • getAgentTime

        long getAgentTime()
        The amount of time in nanoseconds taken to process all agent calls.
        A time in nanoseconds.
      • getTriggerTime

        long getTriggerTime()
        The amount of time in nanoseconds taken to process all triggered calls.
        A time in nanoseconds.
      • getEngineCacheHits

        long getEngineCacheHits()
        The number of times an engine was retrieved from cache.
        A count of cache retrieval.
      • getEngineCacheMisses

        long getEngineCacheMisses()
        The number of times an engine was created.
        A count of creations.
      • getEventStats

        java.util.List<InvocationStats> getEventStats()
        Returns a list of InvocationStats for individual events.
        A list of event stats.
        See Also:
      • getEventStats

        InvocationStats getEventStats(java.lang.String type)
        Returns an InvocationStats for the event having a class name matching the type argument.
        type - The fully qualified class name of the event.
        The event stats.
        See Also:
      • getAgentStats

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.List<InvocationStats>> getAgentStats()
        Returns a list of InvocationStats for individual agents in a map keyed by the event type.
        A Map with the event types (key) and List of InvocationStats (value)
        See Also:
      • getAgentStats

        java.util.List<InvocationStats> getAgentStats(java.lang.String type)
        Returns a list of InvocationStats for individual agents corresponding to the event identified by type.
        type - The fully qualified class name of the event.
        A List of InvocationStats, each of which contains an agent name, count and time
        See Also:
      • resetStats

        void resetStats()
        Reset the server statistics to their initial values

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