Interface JobManagerMXBean

  • public interface JobManagerMXBean
    The job manager MXBean.

    The JobManagerMXBean provides client side administrative job related functions.

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      static java.lang.String MXBEAN_OBJECT_NAME
      The object name by which a JMX client can find the JobManagerMXBean
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      void abortJob(java.lang.String jobRunId, java.lang.String jobName, java.lang.String solutionName)
      Aborts a running job if one exists for the given job run id, job name, and solution name.
      void abortJobByName(java.lang.String jobName, java.lang.String solutionName)
      Aborts a running job if one exists for the given job name.
      JobRunId[] getActiveJobs()
      Returns an array of job run identifiers for active jobs.
      JobRunId[] getActiveJobs(java.lang.String solutionName)
      Returns an array of job run identifiers for active jobs that correspond to the given solution name.
      JobRunId[] getActiveJobs(java.lang.String jobName, java.lang.String solutionName)
      Returns an array of job identifiers for active jobs that correspond to the given job name and solution name, or null.
      int getActiveJobsCount()
      Returns the number of active jobs.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Boolean> getIsGlobalRuntimeRunningByContainer()
      Returns whether or not the global runtime is running by container.
      JobRunId[] getJobRunIds()
      Returns an array of job run identifiers for all job runs that have been submitted regardless of their status (QUEUED, RUNNING, COMPLETED, FAILED, etc).
      JobRunInfo getJobRunInfo(java.lang.String jobName, java.lang.String solutionName)
      Gets the latest JobRunInfo that corresponds to the given job name.
      JobRunInfo getJobRunInfo(java.lang.String jobRunId, java.lang.String jobName, java.lang.String solutionName)
      Returns a JobRunInfo for the given job run id, job name, and solution name.
      JobRunInfo[] getJobRunInfos()
      Returns an array of JobRunInfo objects for all job runs that have been submitted regardless of their status (QUEUED, RUNNING, COMPLETED, FAILED, etc).
      JobRunInfo[] getJobRunInfos(JobRunId[] jobRunIds)
      Returns an array of JobRunInfo objects that correspond to the given array of JobRunId objects.
      java.lang.String getJobSchedule(java.lang.String jobName, java.lang.String solutionName)
      retrieves the schedule of a job for the given job name, solution name.
      JobRunInfo[] getQueuedJobs(java.lang.String solutionName)
      Returns an array of JobRunInfo objects for all jobs that are currently in the job queue.
      boolean isGlobalRuntimeRunning()
      Returns whether or not the global runtime is running on all containers.
      boolean removeJobSchedule(java.lang.String jobName, java.lang.String solutionName)
      Removes the schedule of a job for the given job name, solution name.
      void startGlobalRuntime()
      Starts the global runtime on all containers.
      void stopGlobalRuntime()
      Stops the global runtime on all containers.
      JobRunId submitJob(java.lang.String jobName, java.lang.String solutionName, java.lang.String description, java.util.List<JobParameter> params)
      Submits a job that corresponds to the given global variable name in order to update its value.
      boolean updateJobSchedule(java.lang.String jobName, java.lang.String solutionName, java.lang.String intervalString, java.lang.String crontabString)
      Updates the schedule of a job for the given job name, solution name with the schedule identified with the crontabString.
    • Field Detail


        static final java.lang.String MXBEAN_OBJECT_NAME
        The object name by which a JMX client can find the JobManagerMXBean
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getActiveJobsCount

        int getActiveJobsCount()
        Returns the number of active jobs.
        The number of active jobs.
      • getActiveJobs

        JobRunId[] getActiveJobs()
        Returns an array of job run identifiers for active jobs.
        An array of job run identifiers.
      • getActiveJobs

        JobRunId[] getActiveJobs(java.lang.String solutionName)
        Returns an array of job run identifiers for active jobs that correspond to the given solution name.
        solutionName - The name of the solution.
        an array of job identifiers for the given soution's active jobs.
      • getActiveJobs

        JobRunId[] getActiveJobs(java.lang.String jobName,
                               java.lang.String solutionName)
        Returns an array of job identifiers for active jobs that correspond to the given job name and solution name, or null.
        jobName - The job name.
        solutionName - The solutionName name.
        An array of job run identifiers or null.
      • getJobRunIds

        JobRunId[] getJobRunIds()
        Returns an array of job run identifiers for all job runs that have been submitted regardless of their status (QUEUED, RUNNING, COMPLETED, FAILED, etc).

        The number of returned job run identifiers will vary based on the volume of jobs and time to live setting of the job history map.

        An array of job run identifiers.
      • getJobRunInfos

        JobRunInfo[] getJobRunInfos(JobRunId[] jobRunIds)
        Returns an array of JobRunInfo objects that correspond to the given array of JobRunId objects.
        jobRunIds - The array of job run identifiers.
        An array of JobRunInfo objects.
      • getJobRunInfos

        JobRunInfo[] getJobRunInfos()
        Returns an array of JobRunInfo objects for all job runs that have been submitted regardless of their status (QUEUED, RUNNING, COMPLETED, FAILED, etc).

        The number of returned job run identifiers will vary based on the volume of jobs and time to live setting of the job history map.

        An array of JobRunInfo objects.
      • submitJob

        JobRunId submitJob(java.lang.String jobName,
                         java.lang.String solutionName,
                         java.lang.String description,
                         java.util.List<JobParameter> params)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
        Submits a job that corresponds to the given global variable name in order to update its value.

        If a job with the same name is already in the job queue, the submitted job is skipped, otherwise it is put into the job queue. Note that even if a job with the same name is already running, the sbmitted job is still put into the queue.

        java.lang.Exception - if the job fails to be submitted for any reason.
        jobName - The job name. The name is the technical name of the global aggregate variable defined in the tooling.
        solutionName - The solutionName name.
        description - An optional description which will appear in the JobRunInfo when looking at job history.
        params - An optional list of job parameters.
        The job run identifier of the submitted job.
      • updateJobSchedule

        boolean updateJobSchedule(java.lang.String jobName,
                                java.lang.String solutionName,
                                java.lang.String intervalString,
                                java.lang.String crontabString)
        Updates the schedule of a job for the given job name, solution name with the schedule identified with the crontabString.
        jobName - The job name.
        solutionName - The solutionName name.
        intervalString - a description of the recurrent job schedule
        crontabString - a description of the restricted job schedule
        true if the schedule was successfully updated, false otherwise
      • getJobSchedule

        java.lang.String getJobSchedule(java.lang.String jobName,
                                      java.lang.String solutionName)
        retrieves the schedule of a job for the given job name, solution name.
        jobName - The job name.
        solutionName - The solutionName name.
        a String describing the current schedule in the form intervalString:crontabString
      • removeJobSchedule

        boolean removeJobSchedule(java.lang.String jobName,
                                java.lang.String solutionName)
        Removes the schedule of a job for the given job name, solution name.
        jobName - The job name.
        solutionName - The solutionName name.
        true if the schedule was successfully removed, false otherwise
      • abortJobByName

        void abortJobByName(java.lang.String jobName,
                          java.lang.String solutionName)
                            throws java.lang.Exception
        Aborts a running job if one exists for the given job name. If no job with the given name is running an exception is thrown.
        java.lang.Exception - if no job with the given name is found.
        jobName - The job name.
        solutionName - The solutionName name.
      • abortJob

        void abortJob(java.lang.String jobRunId,
                    java.lang.String jobName,
                    java.lang.String solutionName)
                      throws java.lang.Exception
        Aborts a running job if one exists for the given job run id, job name, and solution name. If no job with the given name is running an exception is thrown.
        java.lang.Exception - if no job with the given name is found.
        jobRunId - The job run identifier.
        jobName - The job name.
        solutionName - The solutionName name.
      • getJobRunInfo

        JobRunInfo getJobRunInfo(java.lang.String jobRunId,
                               java.lang.String jobName,
                               java.lang.String solutionName)
        Returns a JobRunInfo for the given job run id, job name, and solution name.
        id - The job run identifier.
        jobName - The job name.
        solutionName - The solutionName name.
        The JobRunInfo for the given job run id, job name, and solution name.
      • getJobRunInfo

        JobRunInfo getJobRunInfo(java.lang.String jobName,
                               java.lang.String solutionName)
        Gets the latest JobRunInfo that corresponds to the given job name.
        jobName - The job name.
        solutionName - The solutionName name.
        the JobResultInfo or null.
      • getQueuedJobs

        JobRunInfo[] getQueuedJobs(java.lang.String solutionName)
        Returns an array of JobRunInfo objects for all jobs that are currently in the job queue. The job queue contains a list of jobs waiting to be run.
        An array of JobRunInfo objects.
      • stopGlobalRuntime

        void stopGlobalRuntime()
                               throws java.lang.Exception
        Stops the global runtime on all containers.
      • startGlobalRuntime

        void startGlobalRuntime()
                                throws java.lang.Exception
        Starts the global runtime on all containers.
      • isGlobalRuntimeRunning

        boolean isGlobalRuntimeRunning()
                                       throws java.lang.Exception
        Returns whether or not the global runtime is running on all containers.
        true if the global runtime is started, false if not.
      • getIsGlobalRuntimeRunningByContainer

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Boolean> getIsGlobalRuntimeRunningByContainer()
                                                                                               throws java.lang.Exception
        Returns whether or not the global runtime is running by container.

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