Interface OutboundEndpointMonitorMXBean

  • @MXBean
    public interface OutboundEndpointMonitorMXBean

    The interface used to monitor the number of messages that are processed by an outbound endpoint. Instances of this MBean are created on servers to which one of the outbound connectivity server features is deployed, using names of the form:,name=solution_name/endpoint_name. For example,,name=solution1/endpoint1

    An instance of this MBean is created for each outbound endpoint that processes a message. The instances are destroyed when the server is shutdown. Note that MBean instance that corresponds to an outbound endpoint might not exist if the endpoint has not processed a message since the server started.

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      static java.lang.String TYPE
      The type name by which a JMX client can find the OutboundEndpointMonitorMXBean
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      java.lang.Long getAbandonedAfterMaxRetriesCount()
      Returns the number of messages that have been abandoned after the maximum number of retries.
      java.lang.Long getBufferedMessageCount()
      Returns the number of messages that have been dispatched to the outbound buffer.
      java.lang.Long getRolledBackMessageCount()
      Returns the number of message delivery attempts that were rolled back.
      java.lang.Long getSuccessfulDeliveryCount()
      Returns the number of messages that have been successfully delivered to the endpoint.
      java.lang.Long getTotalProcessingTime()
      Total time taken to deliver messages to the endpoint, in nanoseconds.
      void resetStatistics()
      Reset the counters for the MBean
    • Field Detail

      • TYPE

        static final java.lang.String TYPE
        The type name by which a JMX client can find the OutboundEndpointMonitorMXBean
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getTotalProcessingTime

        java.lang.Long getTotalProcessingTime()
        Total time taken to deliver messages to the endpoint, in nanoseconds.
      • getSuccessfulDeliveryCount

        java.lang.Long getSuccessfulDeliveryCount()
        Returns the number of messages that have been successfully delivered to the endpoint.
      • getBufferedMessageCount

        java.lang.Long getBufferedMessageCount()
        Returns the number of messages that have been dispatched to the outbound buffer.
      • getAbandonedAfterMaxRetriesCount

        java.lang.Long getAbandonedAfterMaxRetriesCount()
        Returns the number of messages that have been abandoned after the maximum number of retries.
      • getRolledBackMessageCount

        java.lang.Long getRolledBackMessageCount()
        Returns the number of message delivery attempts that were rolled back.
      • resetStatistics

        void resetStatistics()
        Reset the counters for the MBean

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