Package ilog.rules.res.model.mbean

Provides interfaces for Rule Execution Server management MBeans.

See: Description

  • Interface Summary 
    Interface Description
    IlrJMXEntityMBean represents a Rule Execution Server management entity.
    Represents the entry point for the Rule Execution Server management model.
    IlrJMXRuleAppMBean represents a RuleApp entity in the Rule Execution Server management model.
    IlrJMXRulesetMBean represents a ruleset entity in the Rule Execution Server management model.

Package ilog.rules.res.model.mbean Description

Provides interfaces for Rule Execution Server management MBeans.

Note that the management stack has to be installed to access the MBean server and perform JMX operations. To use these services you must have administration access rights.

Rule Execution Server API

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