
Interface IlrRuleAppInformationBase<R,E>

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    IlrMutableRuleAppInformation, IlrRuleAppInformation

    public interface IlrRuleAppInformationBase<R,E>
    The IlrRuleAppInformationBase interface represents a generic ruleset container. This class can contain properties.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      IlrPath getCanonicalPath()
      Retrieves the canonical path of this RuleApp.
      java.util.Date getCreationDate()
      Retrieves the creation date of this RuleApp.
      java.lang.String getDescription()
      Returns the description of this RuleApp.
      java.lang.String getDisplayName()
      Retrieves the display name of this RuleApp.
      E getGreatestRuleset(java.lang.String rulesetName)
      Retrieves the latest version of a specific ruleset.
      java.lang.String getName()
      Retrieves the name of this RuleApp.
      IlrRuleAppProperties getProperties()
      Retrieves all the properties associated with this RuleApp.
      R getRepository()
      Retrieves the repository that contains this RuleApp.
      E getRuleset(java.lang.String rulesetName, IlrVersion rulesetVersion)
      Retrieves the ruleset with a specific name and version number.
      java.util.Set<E> getRulesets()
      Retrieves all the rulesets in this RuleApp.
      java.util.Set<E> getRulesets(java.lang.String rulesetName)
      Retrieves all the rulesets with a specific name.
      IlrVersion getVersion()
      Retrieves the version of this RuleApp.
      byte[] getXOM()
      Retrieves a binary representation of the execution object model (XOM).
    • Method Detail

      • getRepository

        R getRepository()
        Retrieves the repository that contains this RuleApp.
        The repository that contains this RuleApp. If this RuleApp is not linked to a repository, null is returned.
      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
        Retrieves the name of this RuleApp.
        The name of this RuleApp. This method never returns null.
      • getVersion

        IlrVersion getVersion()
        Retrieves the version of this RuleApp.
        The version of this RuleApp. This method never returns null.
      • getDisplayName

        java.lang.String getDisplayName()
        Retrieves the display name of this RuleApp.
        The display name of this RuleApp. The value returned can be null.
      • getDescription

        java.lang.String getDescription()
        Returns the description of this RuleApp.
        The description of this RuleApp. The value returned can be null.
      • getCreationDate

        java.util.Date getCreationDate()
        Retrieves the creation date of this RuleApp.
        The creation date. This method never returns null.
      • getCanonicalPath

        IlrPath getCanonicalPath()
        Retrieves the canonical path of this RuleApp.
        The canonical path of this RuleApp. This method never returns null.
      • getProperties

        IlrRuleAppProperties getProperties()
        Retrieves all the properties associated with this RuleApp.
        All properties associated with this RuleApp.
      • getXOM

        byte[] getXOM()
        Retrieves a binary representation of the execution object model (XOM).
        A binary representation of the execution object model.
      • getRulesets

        java.util.Set<E> getRulesets(java.lang.String rulesetName)
        Retrieves all the rulesets with a specific name.
        rulesetName - The name of the ruleset to return.
        A set of IlrRulesetArchiveInformation objects.
      • getGreatestRuleset

        E getGreatestRuleset(java.lang.String rulesetName)
        Retrieves the latest version of a specific ruleset.
        rulesetName - The name of the ruleset to return.
        The ruleset that matches rulesetName. If no ruleset matches this name, null is returned.
      • getRuleset

        E getRuleset(java.lang.String rulesetName,
                   IlrVersion rulesetVersion)
        Retrieves the ruleset with a specific name and version number.
        rulesetName - The name of the ruleset to return.
        rulesetVersion - The version of the ruleset to return.
        The ruleset that matches rulesetName and rulesetVersion. If no ruleset matches the parameters, null is returned.

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