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ilog.rules.res.decisionservice.mbean - package ilog.rules.res.decisionservice.mbean
Use this package to create and manage a decision service MBean.
ilog.rules.res.model - package ilog.rules.res.model
Provides interfaces for the Rule Execution Server management model.
ilog.rules.res.model.archive - package ilog.rules.res.model.archive
Use this package to backup a RuleApp or a set of RuleApps into a RuleApp archive.
ilog.rules.res.model.mbean - package ilog.rules.res.model.mbean
Provides interfaces for Rule Execution Server management MBeans.
ilog.rules.res.model.trace - package ilog.rules.res.model.trace
Provides interfaces for the Decision Warehouse trace model.
ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace - package ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Provides interfaces for the Decision Warehouse DAO.
ilog.rules.res.session - package ilog.rules.res.session
Provides the core classes and interfaces to manage Decision Server rule sessions.
ilog.rules.res.session.async - package ilog.rules.res.session.async
Provides classes for asynchronous ruleset execution via the Rule Sessions API.
ilog.rules.res.session.config - package ilog.rules.res.session.config
Classes and interfaces to configure a session factory.
ilog.rules.res.session.interceptor - package ilog.rules.res.session.interceptor
Classes and interfaces for rule session interceptors.
ilog.rules.res.session.rawdata - package ilog.rules.res.session.rawdata
Provides the API for raw data rule services.
ilog.rules.res.session.ruleset - package ilog.rules.res.session.ruleset
Provides the interfaces for execution traces.
ilog.rules.res.xu.event - package ilog.rules.res.xu.event
Provides classes and interfaces for the events the Execution Unit (XU) uses.
ilog.rules.res.xu.persistence - package ilog.rules.res.xu.persistence
This package provides classes and methods that you can use to write a custom XU file persistence mode.
ilog.rules.res.xu.plugin - package ilog.rules.res.xu.plugin
Provides the classes necessary to implement Execution Unit (XU) plug-ins.
ilog.rules.res.xu.pool - package ilog.rules.res.xu.pool
Provides the classes and interfaces you need to implement a custom pool that the Execution Unit (XU) uses for pooling connections.
ilog.rules.res.xu.ruleset - package ilog.rules.res.xu.ruleset
This package provides an API that you can use to write a custom ruleset cache for the Execution Unit (XU).
ilog.rules.studio.res - package ilog.rules.studio.res
Provides an interface to manage Rule Execution Server Configurations in Rule Designer.
ilog.rules.studio.res.generator - package ilog.rules.studio.res.generator
Provides a set of abstract classes that you can extend to create and add a new generator for a Client Project for Ruleapps in Rule Designer.
ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.impl - package ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.impl
Provides classes that extend the velocity template.
ilog.rules.studio.res.ruleapp - package ilog.rules.studio.res.ruleapp
Provides a set of interfaces to manage RuleApps and RuleApp projects in Rule Designer.
ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard - package ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard
Provides classes that the Client Project for RuleApps wizard can display as a nested wizard after the generator and the RuleApp project had been selected.
ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page - package ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page
Provides classes that the Client Project for RuleApps wizard can display.
IlrAbstractRESConfigurationSelectionDialog - Class in ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard
Create a dialog used to select a Rule Execution Server Configuration from the workspace.
IlrAbstractRESConfigurationSelectionDialog(Shell) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.IlrAbstractRESConfigurationSelectionDialog
Constructs an instance of IlrAbstractServerConfigurationSelectionDialog.
IlrAlreadyExistException - Exception in ilog.rules.res.model
An IlrAlreadyExistException instance is thrown to show that the RuleApp or ruleset being added already exists in the repository.
IlrArchiveException - Exception in ilog.rules.res.model.archive
An IlrArchiveException is thrown when a ruleApp archive is invalid.
IlrArchiveManager - Class in ilog.rules.res.model.archive
Allows to export a IlrRuleAppInformation instance or a Set of IlrRuleAppInformation instances to a RuleApp archive, and to load the IlrRuleAppInformation objects contained in the RuleApp archive.
IlrArchiveManager() - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.model.archive.IlrArchiveManager
IlrAsyncExecutionEndedEvent - Class in ilog.rules.res.session.async
IlrAsyncExecutionEndedEvent represents an event that indicates the normal completion of an asynchronous ruleset execution.
IlrAsyncExecutionEndedEvent(IlrSessionResponse) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.session.async.IlrAsyncExecutionEndedEvent
Creates a new IlrAsyncExecutionEndedEvent instance.
IlrAsyncExecutionEvent - Class in ilog.rules.res.session.async
IlrAsyncExecutionEvent is the top level markup interface for an asynchronous execution event.
IlrAsyncExecutionEvent() - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.session.async.IlrAsyncExecutionEvent
Creates a new instance.
IlrAsyncExecutionFailedEvent - Class in ilog.rules.res.session.async
IlrAsyncExecutionFailedEvent represents an event indicating that asynchronous ruleset execution failed to complete.
IlrAsyncExecutionFailedEvent(IlrSessionException) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.session.async.IlrAsyncExecutionFailedEvent
Creates a new event.
IlrAsyncExecutionObserver - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session.async
Implementations of IlrAsyncExecutionObserver are notified of execution events during asynchronous rule session execution.
IlrBooleanCriteria - Interface in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Represents Boolean criteria.
IlrBooleanCriteria.AndCriteria - Interface in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Represents the And criteria.
IlrBooleanCriteria.OrCriteria - Interface in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Represents the Or criteria.
IlrBooleanOperator - Interface in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Represents Boolean query operators.
IlrBooleanOperator.AndBoolOperator - Interface in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Represents the And operator.
IlrBooleanOperator.OrBoolOperator - Interface in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Represents the Or operator.
IlrBusinessExecutionTrace - Class in ilog.rules.res.session.ruleset
IlrBusinessExecutionTrace is a wrapper for IlrExecutionTrace.
IlrBusinessExecutionTrace(IlrExecutionTrace) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.session.ruleset.IlrBusinessExecutionTrace
Builds a new IlrBusinessExecutionTrace instance.
IlrComparableCriteriaPart<T> - Interface in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Used to create criteria using greater than and less than operations.
IlrCompleteRuleAppReference - Class in ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page
Extends the IlrRuleAppReference class to request the RuleApp project to work with during the code generation.
IlrCompleteRuleAppReference(String) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page.IlrCompleteRuleAppReference
Creates a new wizard page with the given name, and with no title or image.
IlrCompleteRulesetReference - Class in ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page
Extends the IlrRulesetReference class to request the rulesets inside the RuleApp project to manage.
IlrCompleteRulesetReference(String) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page.IlrCompleteRulesetReference
Creates a new wizard page with the given name, and with no title or image.
IlrConfigException - Exception in ilog.rules.res.session.config
An exception of type IlrSessionException is raised if a problem occurs with the configuration of rule sessions.
IlrConfigException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception ilog.rules.res.session.config.IlrConfigException
IlrConnectionEvent - Interface in ilog.rules.res.xu.event
IlrConnectionEvent represents an event raised by a CCI connection.
IlrConnectionEventListener - Interface in ilog.rules.res.xu.event
The listener for receiving IlrConnectionEvents.
IlrCRERulesetArchive - Interface in ilog.rules.res.model
Represents a ruleset archive that can be used by the classic rule engine.
IlrCriteria - Interface in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Interface for Decision Warehouse query criteria.
IlrCriteriaPart<T> - Interface in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Used to create criteria equal to another object.
IlrCriteriaPart.IlrCriteriaPartBoolean - Interface in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Represents a Boolean.
IlrCriteriaPart.IlrCriteriaPartCollection - Interface in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Represents a Collection.
IlrCriteriaPart.IlrCriteriaPartDate - Interface in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Represents a String.
IlrCriteriaPart.IlrCriteriaPartDouble - Interface in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Represents a Double.
IlrCriteriaPart.IlrCriteriaPartFloat - Interface in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Represents a Float.
IlrCriteriaPart.IlrCriteriaPartInteger - Interface in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Represents an Integer.
IlrCriteriaPart.IlrCriteriaPartLong - Interface in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Represents a Long.
IlrCriteriaPart.IlrCriteriaPartMap - Interface in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Represents a Map.
IlrCriteriaPart.IlrCriteriaPartShort - Interface in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Represents a Short.
IlrCriteriaPart.IlrCriteriaPartString - Interface in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Represents a String.
IlrCriteriaPart.IlrCriteriaPartStringPattern - Interface in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Represents a String.
IlrCriteriaPlain<T> - Interface in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Holds the name and type criteria.
IlrDatasourcePersistenceConfig - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session.config
The configuration based on persistence in data source mode.
IlrDecisionServiceMBean - Interface in ilog.rules.res.decisionservice.mbean
Represents a decision service MBean in Rule Execution Server.
IlrDecisionServiceMBeanException - Exception in ilog.rules.res.decisionservice.mbean
This exception indicates that an MBean action has failed.
IlrDecisionServiceMBeanManager - Class in ilog.rules.res.decisionservice.mbean
Manages the decision service MBean (register, unregister, add measurement).
IlrDecisionServiceMBeanManager() - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.decisionservice.mbean.IlrDecisionServiceMBeanManager
Creates the decision service MBean manager.
IlrDecisionServiceMBeanManager(Properties) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.decisionservice.mbean.IlrDecisionServiceMBeanManager
Creates the decision service MBean manager.
IlrDefaultCompletionWizard - Class in ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard
Extends the IlrFileGeneratorWizard class.
IlrDefaultCreationWizard - Class in ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard
Extends the IlrFileGeneratorWizard class.
IlrDefaultPlugin - Class in ilog.rules.res.xu.plugin
IlrDefaultPlugin provides an implementation plug-in that can be extended to create custom plug-ins that receive IlrRuleEngineEvents and IlrConnectionEvents.
IlrDefaultPlugin() - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.xu.plugin.IlrDefaultPlugin
IlrDeleteOperationsExTraceDAO - Interface in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Additional interface for Decision Warehouse trace DAO.
IlrDeploymentMode - Interface in ilog.rules.studio.res.ruleapp
List of the supported RuleApp deployment modes.
IlrDERulesetArchive - Interface in ilog.rules.res.model
Represents a ruleset archive for the decision engine.
IlrDERuntimePersistenceConfig - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session.config
The configuration of the persistence for the decision engine runtime libraries.
IlrDWTrace - Interface in ilog.rules.res.model.trace
IlrDWTrace represents the trace coming from Decision Warehouse database.
IlrDWTraceFilter - Interface in ilog.rules.res.model.trace
Use IlrDWTraceFilter to select the information included in the Decision Warehouse.
IlrEJB3SessionFactory - Class in ilog.rules.res.session
IlrEJB3SessionFactory is a session factory for EJB3 rule sessions.
IlrEJB3SessionFactory(Hashtable<?, ?>) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.session.IlrEJB3SessionFactory
Creates an EJB3 rule session factory, saving initial JNDI context creation properties.
IlrEJB3SessionFactory() - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.session.IlrEJB3SessionFactory
Equivalent to IlrEJB3SessionFactory.IlrEJB3SessionFactory(Hashtable) called with a null parameter value.
IlrEngineType - Enum in ilog.rules.res.model
Represents the type of a rule engine: classic rule engine or decision engine.
IlrExecutionEvent - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session.ruleset
IlrExecutionEvent represents an execution event.
IlrExecutionTrace - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session.ruleset
IlrExecutionTrace represents the detailed information about ruleset execution.
IlrFileGenerator - Class in ilog.rules.studio.res.generator
Defines a generator for the list in the new client project for the RuleApps wizard.
IlrFileGenerator() - Constructor for class ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.IlrFileGenerator
Constructs a new generator.
IlrFileGenerator.Parameter - Class in ilog.rules.studio.res.generator
Stores a ruleset parameter name and type.
IlrFileGenerator.Parameter(String, String) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.IlrFileGenerator.Parameter
IlrFileGenerator.RuleApp - Class in ilog.rules.studio.res.generator
Provides some useful methods on a RuleApp project.
IlrFileGenerator.RuleApp() - Constructor for class ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.IlrFileGenerator.RuleApp
IlrFileGenerator.RulesetArchive - Class in ilog.rules.studio.res.generator
Stores a ruleset archive name and version with two lists of ruleset parameters: a list of input parameters (the IN and INOUT parameters) and a list of output parameters (the INOUT and OUT parameters).
IlrFileGenerator.RulesetArchive() - Constructor for class ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.IlrFileGenerator.RulesetArchive
IlrFileGeneratorWizard - Class in ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard
Extends the Eclipse Wizard class and saves the selected RuleApp project and generator in the pages of the Client Project for RuleApps wizard.
IlrFileGeneratorWizard() - Constructor for class ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.IlrFileGeneratorWizard
Creates a new empty wizard and sets the window title and wizard banner to Client Project for RuleApps.
IlrFileGeneratorWizardPage - Class in ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page
Extends WizardPage to set the Client Project for RuleApps contextual help on the pages of the nested wizard.
IlrFileGeneratorWizardPage(String) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page.IlrFileGeneratorWizardPage
Creates a new wizard page with the given name, and with no title or image.
IlrFileGeneratorWizardSelectionPage - Class in ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page
Extends WizardSelectionPage to set the Client Project for RuleApps contextual help on the pages of the nested wizard.
IlrFileGeneratorWizardSelectionPage(String) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page.IlrFileGeneratorWizardSelectionPage
Creates a new wizard page with the given name, and with no title or image.
IlrFilePersistence - Class in ilog.rules.res.xu.persistence
This is the base class for custom persistence.
IlrFilePersistence() - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.xu.persistence.IlrFilePersistence
IlrFilePersistenceConfig - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session.config
The configuration based on persistence in file-system mode .
IlrFormatException - Exception in ilog.rules.res.model
An IlrFormatException instance is thrown to show that a method has been passed an argument in a wrong format.
IlrIllegalArgumentRuntimeException - Exception in ilog.rules.res.model
An IlrIllegalArgumentRuntimeException instance is thrown to show that a method has been passed an invalid or inappropriate argument.
IlrInterceptorContext - Class in ilog.rules.res.session.interceptor
IlrInterceptorContext holds objects and passes them to the interception chain.
IlrInterceptorContext(IlrPath) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.session.interceptor.IlrInterceptorContext
Creates context with the parameters passed.
IlrInvalidCharFormatException - Exception in ilog.rules.res.model
An IlrInvalidCharFormatException instance is thrown to show that a method has been passed an argument in a wrong format.
IlrInvalidCharFormatException(String, String, String[], Character) - Constructor for exception ilog.rules.res.model.IlrInvalidCharFormatException
Creates a new IlrInvalidCharFormatException instance.
IlrJ2SESessionFactory - Class in ilog.rules.res.session
The IlrJ2SESessionFactory class is a rule session factory for Java SE environments.
IlrJ2SESessionFactory() - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.session.IlrJ2SESessionFactory
Creates a session factory.
IlrJ2SESessionFactory(PrintWriter) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.session.IlrJ2SESessionFactory
Creates a session factory.
IlrJ2SESessionFactory(IlrSessionFactoryConfig) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.session.IlrJ2SESessionFactory
Creates a session factory with a custom configuration.
IlrJDBCPersistenceConfig - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session.config
The configuration based on persistence in JDBC mode.
IlrJMXEntityMBean - Interface in ilog.rules.res.model.mbean
IlrJMXEntityMBean represents a Rule Execution Server management entity.
IlrJMXRepositoryMBean - Interface in ilog.rules.res.model.mbean
Represents the entry point for the Rule Execution Server management model.
IlrJMXRuleAppMBean - Interface in ilog.rules.res.model.mbean
IlrJMXRuleAppMBean represents a RuleApp entity in the Rule Execution Server management model.
IlrJMXRulesetMBean - Interface in ilog.rules.res.model.mbean
IlrJMXRulesetMBean represents a ruleset entity in the Rule Execution Server management model.
IlrManagementSession - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session
IlrManagementSession is the base interface for management sessions.
IlrMutableRepository - Interface in ilog.rules.res.model
The IlrMutableRepository interface represents an IlrRuleAppInformation container.
IlrMutableRuleAppInformation - Interface in ilog.rules.res.model
The IlrMutableRuleAppInformation interface represents an IlrRulesetArchiveInformation container.
IlrMutableRulesetArchiveInformation - Interface in ilog.rules.res.model
The IlrMutableRulesetArchiveInformation interface represents an IlrRulesetArchive container.
IlrOperator - Interface in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Base interface for the Decision Warehouse query operator.
IlrPartOperator - Interface in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Interface for the Decision Warehouse query partial operator.
IlrPath - Class in ilog.rules.res.model
The IlrPath class represents the path to a RuleApp or a ruleset.
IlrPath(String) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.model.IlrPath
Constructs a new RuleApp path with no version number.
IlrPath(String, IlrVersion) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.model.IlrPath
Constructs a new RuleApp path.
IlrPath(String, String, IlrVersion) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.model.IlrPath
Constructs a new ruleset path with no RuleApp version number.
IlrPath(String, String) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.model.IlrPath
Constructs a new ruleset path with no version number.
IlrPath(String, IlrVersion, String) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.model.IlrPath
Constructs a ruleset path with no version number.
IlrPath(String, IlrVersion, String, IlrVersion) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.model.IlrPath
Constructs a new canonical ruleset path.
IlrPersistenceConfig - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session.config
The persistence configuration for the ruleset repository .
IlrPersistenceException - Exception in ilog.rules.res.xu.persistence
Persistence exceptions are raised to indicate that an error occurs in the persistence layer.
IlrPersistenceException(int, String[]) - Constructor for exception ilog.rules.res.xu.persistence.IlrPersistenceException
IlrPersistenceException(int, String[], Throwable) - Constructor for exception ilog.rules.res.xu.persistence.IlrPersistenceException
IlrPersistenceException(String, String[], Throwable) - Constructor for exception ilog.rules.res.xu.persistence.IlrPersistenceException
Constructs an exception with a reason.
IlrPersistenceType - Enum in ilog.rules.res.session.config
Represents the supported persistence types: file, JDBC, or datasource.
IlrPluginConfig - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session.config
Represents a plugin configuration.
IlrPOJOGenerator - Class in ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.impl
This class manages templates for a Java project for RuleApps.
IlrPOJOGenerator() - Constructor for class ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.impl.IlrPOJOGenerator
Constructs a new generator.
IlrPOJOGenerator.PojoRulesetArchive - Class in ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.impl
Stores a ruleset archive name and version with two lists of parameters: an in ruleset parameters list ( the in and inout ruleset parameters) an out ruleset parameters list ( the inout and out ruleset parameters)
IlrPOJOGeneratorWizard - Class in ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard
Extends the IlrFileGeneratorWizard class to create a wizard that will ask for properties for a Plain Old Java Object generation.
IlrPOJOSessionFactory - Class in ilog.rules.res.session
Use the IlrPOJOSessionFactory class to create sessions in Java EE environments.
IlrPOJOSessionFactory() - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.session.IlrPOJOSessionFactory
Creates a new IlrSessionFactory by using a XU deployed as a Java EE resource adapter.
IlrPOJOSessionFactory(String, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.session.IlrPOJOSessionFactory
Creates a new IlrSessionFactory using a XU deployed as a Java EE resource adapter.
IlrPool<T> - Interface in ilog.rules.res.xu.pool
IlrPool represents a pool of objects.
IlrPoolConfig - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session.config
Represents a pool configuration.
IlrPoolException - Exception in ilog.rules.res.xu.pool
IlrPoolException represents the exception raised by a pool.
IlrPoolException() - Constructor for exception ilog.rules.res.xu.pool.IlrPoolException
Creates an exception.
IlrPoolException(String, Object[]) - Constructor for exception ilog.rules.res.xu.pool.IlrPoolException
Creates an exception.
IlrPoolException(String, Object[], Throwable) - Constructor for exception ilog.rules.res.xu.pool.IlrPoolException
Creates an exception.
IlrPoolListener<T> - Interface in ilog.rules.res.xu.pool
IlrPoolListener represents a listener that receives IlrPoolEventImpl objects.
IlrProjectName - Class in ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page
Extends the WizardNewProjectCreationPage class to request the name of the new project.
IlrProjectName(String) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page.IlrProjectName
Creates a new project creation wizard page.
IlrProjectReference - Class in ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page
Extends the IlrFileGeneratorWizardPage class to request the destination project.
IlrProjectReference(String) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page.IlrProjectReference
Creates a new wizard page with the given name, and with no title or image.
IlrRCERulesetArchive - Interface in ilog.rules.res.model
IlrRepository - Interface in ilog.rules.res.model
IlrRepository represents a read-only IlrRuleAppInformation container.
IlrRepositoryBase<E> - Interface in ilog.rules.res.model
The IlrRepositoryBase inteface represents a generic RuleApp container.
IlrRepositoryException - Exception in ilog.rules.res.model
An IlrRepositoryException instance is thrown when an error occurs in the repository or on the RuleApp and ruleset repository elements.
IlrRepositoryFactory - Interface in ilog.rules.res.model
The IlrRepositoryFactory interface represents the entry point for the management repository.
IlrRepositoryRuntimeException - Exception in ilog.rules.res.model
An IlrRepositoryRuntimeException instance is thrown when a runtime error occurs either in the repository or on a RuleApp or a ruleset stored in the repository.
IlrRESConfiguration - Interface in ilog.rules.studio.res
List of constants related to Rule Execution Server Configuration.
IlrResourceRuntimeException - Exception in ilog.rules.res.model
An IlrResourceRuntimeException is thrown when a data access error occurs.
IlrRESRulesetArchive - Interface in ilog.rules.res.model
Represents a ruleset archive.
IlrRESRulesetArchiveCreationException - Exception in ilog.rules.res.model
This exception is thrown when an error occurs while an instance of IlrRESRulesetArchive is created.
IlrRESRulesetArchiveFactory - Class in ilog.rules.res.model
Use this factory class to create IlrRESRulesetArchive instances.
IlrRESRulesetArchiveFactory() - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.model.IlrRESRulesetArchiveFactory
IlrRuleAction - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session.ruleset
Represents an action part of a rule, when executing with the decision engine.
IlrRuleAppDescriptor - Interface in ilog.rules.studio.res.ruleapp
Describes a RuleApp stored in a RuleApp project.
IlrRuleAppInformation - Interface in ilog.rules.res.model
IlrRuleAppInformation represents a read-only IlrRulesetArchiveInformation container.
IlrRuleAppInformationBase<R,E> - Interface in ilog.rules.res.model
The IlrRuleAppInformationBase interface represents a generic ruleset container.
IlrRuleAppProject - Interface in ilog.rules.studio.res.ruleapp
Serves as a RuleApp Project container and always contains a RuleApp descriptor.
IlrRuleAppProjectFactory - Class in ilog.rules.studio.res.ruleapp
Gets an IlrRuleAppProject object from an Eclipse IProject object.
IlrRuleAppProperties - Interface in ilog.rules.res.model
The IlrRuleAppProperties interface represents a read-only container for IlrRuleAppInformation properties.
IlrRuleAppReference - Class in ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page
Extends the IlrFileGeneratorWizardPage class to request the RuleApp project to work with during the code generation.
IlrRuleAppReference(String) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page.IlrRuleAppReference
Creates a new wizard page with the given name, and with no title or image.
IlrRuleEngineEvent - Interface in ilog.rules.res.xu.event
IlrRuleEngineEvent represents an engine event.
IlrRuleEngineEventListener - Interface in ilog.rules.res.xu.event
The listener for receiving IlrRuleEngineEvents.
IlrRuleEngineEventPlugin - Class in ilog.rules.res.xu.plugin
IlrRuleEngineEventPlugin is an implementation plug-in that can be extended to create custom plug-ins.
IlrRuleEngineEventPlugin() - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.xu.plugin.IlrRuleEngineEventPlugin
IlrRuleEvent - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session.ruleset
IlrRuleEvent represents an executed rule.
IlrRuleflowElementInformation - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session.ruleset
Information about a ruleflow element, whether a task or a rule.
IlrRuleInformation - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session.ruleset
IlrRuleInformation represents information about a Rule.
IlrRuleServiceException - Exception in ilog.rules.res.session
Exception thrown to indicate an error during the use of ilog.rules.res.session.IlrRuleService.
IlrRulesetArchiveDescriptor - Interface in ilog.rules.studio.res.ruleapp
Stores the ruleset archive information in a RuleApp descriptor.
IlrRulesetArchiveInformation - Interface in ilog.rules.res.model
IlrRulesetArchiveInformation represents a read-only IlrRulesetArchive container.
IlrRulesetArchiveInformationBase<R,E> - Interface in ilog.rules.res.model
The IlrRulesetArchiveInformationBase inteface represents a generic IlrRulesetArchive container.
IlrRulesetArchiveProperties - Interface in ilog.rules.res.model
The IlrRulesetArchiveProperties interface represents a read-only container for IlrRulesetArchiveInformation properties.
IlrRulesetCache - Interface in ilog.rules.res.xu.ruleset
Represents a ruleset cache.
IlrRulesetCacheException - Exception in ilog.rules.res.xu.ruleset
Thrown to indicate an error from the IlrRulesetCache interface.
IlrRulesetCacheException(String, String[], Throwable) - Constructor for exception ilog.rules.res.xu.ruleset.IlrRulesetCacheException
Constructs a new instance of IlrRulesetCacheException
IlrRulesetParameter - Interface in ilog.rules.res.model
This interface represents a ruleset parameter.
IlrRulesetParameterWizardPage - Class in ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page
Extends the IlrFileGeneratorWizardPage class to request the ruleset parameter values for each ruleset of the RuleApp.
IlrRulesetParameterWizardPage(String) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page.IlrRulesetParameterWizardPage
Creates a new wizard page with the given name, and with no title or image.
IlrRulesetReference - Class in ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page
Extends the IlrFileGeneratorWizardSelectionPage class.
IlrRulesetReference(String) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page.IlrRulesetReference
Creates a new wizard page with the given name, and with no title or image.
IlrRulesetUsageInformation - Interface in ilog.rules.res.xu.ruleset
Represents the usage information about a ruleset.
IlrRulesetUsageInformationMonitor - Interface in ilog.rules.res.xu.ruleset
IlrRulesetUsageInformationMonitor contains information about ruleset usage.
IlrSession - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session
IlrSession is the top-level markup interface for sessions.
IlrSessionCreationException - Exception in ilog.rules.res.session
An IlrSessionCreationException exception is raised when an error occurs during rule session creation.
IlrSessionCreationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception ilog.rules.res.session.IlrSessionCreationException
Encapsulates the cause of the exception.
IlrSessionException - Exception in ilog.rules.res.session
An IlrSessionException exception is raised if a problem occurs during the execution of a rule session method.
IlrSessionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception ilog.rules.res.session.IlrSessionException
IlrSessionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ilog.rules.res.session.IlrSessionException
IlrSessionException(String, String[]) - Constructor for exception ilog.rules.res.session.IlrSessionException
IlrSessionFactory - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session
IlrSessionFactory is the interface implemented by all rule session factories.
IlrSessionFactoryConfig - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session.config
The class to configure session factories.
Instances are obtained by a call to the method IlrJ2SESessionFactory.createDefaultConfig().
The configuration is applied by a call to the constructor IlrJ2SESessionFactory.IlrJ2SESessionFactory(IlrSessionFactoryConfig).
IlrSessionInterceptor - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session.interceptor
IlrSessionInterceptor represents the interface of rule-session execution interceptors.
IlrSessionInterceptorException - Exception in ilog.rules.res.session.interceptor
IlrSessionInterceptorException is raised if a problem occurs during the execution of a rule session interceptor.
IlrSessionInterceptorException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception ilog.rules.res.session.interceptor.IlrSessionInterceptorException
Encapsulate an other exception in a new exception object.
IlrSessionInterceptorException(String, String[]) - Constructor for exception ilog.rules.res.session.interceptor.IlrSessionInterceptorException
Creates a new IlrSessionInterceptorException instance from a message.
IlrSessionRequest - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session
IlrSessionRequest is the interface for session requests.
IlrSessionResponse - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session
IlrSessionResponse encapsulates the response to a stateless rule session invocation or to an execute of a stateful rule session invocation.
IlrSignature - Interface in ilog.rules.studio.res.generator
Provides access to the in and inout ruleset parameter values specified in the Rule Designer wizard.
IlrStatefulSession - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session
IlrStatefulSession represents a stateful rule session.
IlrStatefulSessionEJB - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session
IlrStatefulSessionEJB is an interface implemented by stateful rule session EJB3 components.
IlrStatelessSession - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session
IlrStatelessSession represents a stateless rule session.
IlrTaskEvent - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session.ruleset
IlrTaskEvent represents an executed task.
IlrTaskInformation - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session.ruleset
IlrTaskInformation represents information about a task.
IlrTraceDAO - Interface in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Interface for Decision Warehouse trace DAO.
IlrTraceDAOException - Exception in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Thrown by the trace DAO when an error occurs.
IlrTraceDAOException() - Constructor for exception ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace.IlrTraceDAOException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
IlrTraceDAOException(String) - Constructor for exception ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace.IlrTraceDAOException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
IlrTraceDAOException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace.IlrTraceDAOException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
IlrTraceDAOException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace.IlrTraceDAOException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause.
IlrTraceDAOException(String, String, String[], Throwable) - Constructor for exception ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace.IlrTraceDAOException
Constructor for localized exceptions.
IlrTraceDAOException(String, String, String[]) - Constructor for exception ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace.IlrTraceDAOException
Constructor for localized exceptions.
IlrTraceDAOFactory - Interface in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Implement to provide customized trace management.
IlrTraceDAOFactoryType - Enum in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Enumeration for specifying the trace DAO types supplied with JRules, such as JDBC_DRIVER, or JDBC_DATASOURCE.
IlrTraceDAOFactoryUtil - Class in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Represents the DAO factory trace utilities.
IlrTraceDAOFactoryUtil(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace.IlrTraceDAOFactoryUtil
Creates an IlrTraceDAOFactoryUtil object with properties that the constructed IlrTraceDAOFactory object uses to create IlrTraceDAO instances.
IlrTraceDAOFactoryUtil(Map<String, String>, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace.IlrTraceDAOFactoryUtil
Creates an IlrTraceDAOFactoryUtil with properties that the constructed IlrTraceDAOFactory object uses to create IlrTraceDAO instances and a specific class loader to load the IlrTraceDAOFactory implementation class.
IlrTraceDAOWrapper - Class in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
A DAO wrapper trace utility class.
IlrTraceDAOWrapper(IlrTraceDAO) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace.IlrTraceDAOWrapper
Constructs a wrapper on top of a delegate trace DAO.
IlrTraceFileGenerator - Class in ilog.rules.studio.res.generator
Adds a generator to the generator list in the New Client Project for RuleApps wizard.
IlrTraceFileGenerator() - Constructor for class ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.IlrTraceFileGenerator
Constructs a new IlrTraceFileGenerator instance.
IlrTraceFilter - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session
Use the class IlrTraceFilter to select the information that you want to see in the execution trace.
IlrTraceFilterWizardPage - Class in ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page
Extends the IlrFileGeneratorWizardPage class to request the values of the trace filters.
IlrTraceFilterWizardPage(String) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page.IlrTraceFilterWizardPage
Creates a new wizard page with the given name, and with no title or image.
IlrTraceIterator - Interface in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
Acts as a scrollable result set for IlrDWTrace objects.
IlrTraceQuery - Interface in ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace
This interface is used for building criteria to query Decision Warehouse and for holding the built criteria.
This interface is used in particular when implementing the IlrTraceDAO.deleteTraces(IlrTraceQuery) and IlrTraceDAO.findTraces(IlrTraceQuery) methods.
To implement these methods, you must interpret the tree of criteria returned by the IlrTraceQuery.getCriteria() method.
IlrVelocityGenerator - Class in ilog.rules.studio.res.generator
Adds a generator to the generator list in the New Client Project for RuleApps wizard.
IlrVelocityGenerator() - Constructor for class ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.IlrVelocityGenerator
Constructs a new generator.
IlrVersion - Class in ilog.rules.res.model
The IlrVersion class represents the version number for a RuleApp or a ruleset.
IlrVersion(int, int) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.res.model.IlrVersion
Constructs an IlrVersion instance from a major and a minor number.
IlrWarning - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session
Use IlrWarning for warnings emitted by a rule session.
IlrWebServiceGenerator - Class in ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.impl
Manages the generator for a Client Project for RuleApps.
IlrWebServiceGenerator() - Constructor for class ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.impl.IlrWebServiceGenerator
Constructs a new generator.
IlrWebServiceGenerator.WebTraceFileGetterSetter - Class in ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.impl
IlrWebServiceGenerator.WebTraceFileGetterSetter(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.impl.IlrWebServiceGenerator.WebTraceFileGetterSetter
IlrWebServiceGenerator.WebTraceFileGetterSetter(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.impl.IlrWebServiceGenerator.WebTraceFileGetterSetter
IlrWebServiceGenerator.WebTraceFileGetterSetter(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, List<String>) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.impl.IlrWebServiceGenerator.WebTraceFileGetterSetter
IlrWebServiceGenerator.WebTraceFileGetterSetter(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, List<String>) - Constructor for class ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.impl.IlrWebServiceGenerator.WebTraceFileGetterSetter
IlrWebServiceGeneratorWizard - Class in ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard
Extends the IlrFileGeneratorWizard class to create a wizard that will ask for the persistence properties and the Tomcat 5.5 home directory.
IlrXUConfig - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session.config
The configuration of the execution unit.
IlrXUInfo - Interface in ilog.rules.res.session
Represents the XU information which can help to analyze performance issues (state of the connections, cache, rulesets statistics, ...).
IlrXURuleset - Interface in ilog.rules.res.xu.ruleset
Represents a ruleset in the execution unit (XU).
importRuleApps(byte[], String, String) - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.model.mbean.IlrJMXRepositoryMBean
Loads a RuleApp archive in the current model.
INFO_BOUND_OBJECT_BY_RULE - Static variable in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Filter for Bound Object by Rule
INFO_EXECUTION_DATE - Static variable in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Filter for Execution Date
INFO_EXECUTION_DURATION - Static variable in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Filter for Execution Duration
INFO_EXECUTION_EVENTS - Static variable in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Filter for Execution Events
INFO_EXECUTION_OUT_PUT - Static variable in interface ilog.rules.res.model.trace.IlrDWTraceFilter
INFO_EXECUTION_OUTPUT - Static variable in interface ilog.rules.res.model.trace.IlrDWTraceFilter
Filter for execution output
INFO_EXECUTION_TRACE_TREE - Static variable in interface ilog.rules.res.model.trace.IlrDWTraceFilter
Has no effect
INFO_INET_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Filter for Inet Address
INFO_INPUT_PARAMETERS - Static variable in interface ilog.rules.res.model.trace.IlrDWTraceFilter
Filter for input parameters
INFO_OUTPUT_PARAMETERS - Static variable in interface ilog.rules.res.model.trace.IlrDWTraceFilter
Filter for output parameters
INFO_RULES - Static variable in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Filter for List of All Rules
INFO_RULES_NOT_FIRED - Static variable in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Filter for List of Rules Not Fired
INFO_RULESET_PROPERTIES - Static variable in interface ilog.rules.res.model.trace.IlrDWTraceFilter
Filter for ruleset properties
INFO_SYSTEM_PROPERTIES - Static variable in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Filter for System Properties
INFO_TASKS - Static variable in interface ilog.rules.res.model.trace.IlrDWTraceFilter
Filter for tasks
INFO_TASKS - Static variable in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Filter for List of All Tasks
INFO_TASKS_NOT_EXECUTED - Static variable in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Filter for List of Tasks Not Executed
INFO_TOTAL_RULES - Static variable in interface ilog.rules.res.model.trace.IlrDWTraceFilter
Filter for the total number of rules
INFO_TOTAL_RULES_FIRED - Static variable in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Filter for Total Number of Rules Fired
INFO_TOTAL_RULES_NOT_FIRED - Static variable in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Filter for Total Number of Rules Not Fired
INFO_TOTAL_TASKS - Static variable in interface ilog.rules.res.model.trace.IlrDWTraceFilter
Filter for the total number of tasks
INFO_TOTAL_TASKS_EXECUTED - Static variable in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Filter for Total Number of Tasks Executed
INFO_TOTAL_TASKS_NOT_EXECUTED - Static variable in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Filter for Total Number of Tasks Not Executed
INFO_USER_DATA - Static variable in interface ilog.rules.res.model.trace.IlrDWTraceFilter
Filter for user data
INFO_WORKING_MEMORY - Static variable in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Filter for Working Memory
initialize(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace.IlrTraceDAOFactory
Initializes the factory with specific properties.
initialize(IlrPath, Serializable, Map<String, Object>, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrStatefulSessionEJB
Initializes the underlying stateful rule session.
initialize(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.xu.pool.IlrPool
Initializes this pool with a given set of properties.
initialize(Logger, Map<String, String>, IlrRulesetUsageInformationMonitor) - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.xu.ruleset.IlrRulesetCache
Initializes the cache.
initialize(IlrRuleAppProject) - Method in class ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.IlrFileGenerator
Initializes the generator with the data specified in the wizard.
initialize(IlrRuleAppProject) - Method in class ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.impl.IlrPOJOGenerator
Initializes the generator with the data specified in the wizard.
initializeContext(Object, VelocityContext) - Method in class ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.IlrTraceFileGenerator
Initializes a velocity context.
initializeContext(Object, VelocityContext) - Method in class ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.IlrVelocityGenerator
Initializes a velocity context.
inputParameters() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.persistence.trace.IlrTraceQuery
Returns the criteria on the input parameters.
INSERT_LOGICAL - Static variable in interface ilog.rules.res.xu.event.IlrRuleEngineEvent
The event code when a logical object has been added into the working memory.
INSERT_OBJECT - Static variable in interface ilog.rules.res.xu.event.IlrRuleEngineEvent
The event code when an object has been added to the working memory.
insertJavaObjects(List<Object>) - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrStatefulSession
Inserts objects into the working memory.
insertXMLObjects(List<String>) - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrStatefulSession
Inserts XML objects into the working memory.
invalidate(IlrPath) - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrManagementSession
Invalidates the ruleset.
invalidate(IlrPath[]) - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrManagementSession
Invalidates some rulesets.
isActivated() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.decisionservice.mbean.IlrDecisionServiceMBean
Returns true if the decision service is activated.
isAllowed() - Method in class ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.IlrFileGenerator
Returns true if the environment is correctly set to allow the generator to be run correctly.
isAllowed() - Method in class ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.impl.IlrPOJOGenerator
Returns true if the execution server module is installed.
isApplicationServerEnvironmentSupported() - Method in class ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.IlrAbstractRESConfigurationSelectionDialog
Returns true if the configuration created through the dialog is for an application server.
isApplicationServerSupported(String) - Method in class ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.IlrAbstractRESConfigurationSelectionDialog
Returns true if the specified application server can be created through the dialog.
isAsynchronousRulesetParsingEnabled() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.config.IlrXUConfig
isBOMAccess() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrSessionRequest
Returns the BOM access flag.
isBOMSupportEnabled() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.model.IlrRulesetArchiveProperties
Checks whether BOM support is enabled.
isCanonical() - Method in class ilog.rules.res.model.IlrPath
Checks whether the path is canonical.
isConcurrentAccessEnabled() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.config.IlrXUConfig
isDebugEnabled() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.model.IlrRulesetArchiveProperties
Checks whether debug mode is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in interface ilog.rules.studio.res.ruleapp.IlrRulesetArchiveDescriptor
Determines whether the ruleset archive is enabled.
isExported() - Method in interface ilog.rules.studio.res.ruleapp.IlrRulesetArchiveDescriptor
Determines whether the ruleset archive is to be included if this RuleApp is exported.
isExpression() - Method in interface ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.IlrSignature
The parameter value can be an expression or a method.
isForceUptodate() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrSessionRequest
Tests if the ruleset has to be up-to-date before execution starts.
isFQNNeeded(IlrSignature) - Method in class ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.IlrFileGenerator.RuleApp
As of ODM 8.5.1.
isFull() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.xu.pool.IlrPool
Checks if the pool is full.
isGeneratedTraceFile() - Method in class ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.IlrTraceFileGenerator
Tests if the trace file must be generated.
isIdle() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.xu.ruleset.IlrRulesetUsageInformation
Returns whether the ruleset is idle.
isInfoBoundObjectByRule() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Returns the trace filter on the list of objects bound by the rules fired before execution.
isInfoExecutionDate() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Checks the trace filter on the execution date.
isInfoExecutionDuration() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Checks the trace filter on the execution duration.
isInfoExecutionEvents() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Returns the trace filter on the execution events, that is, the rules fired and the tasks executed.
isInfoExecutionOutput() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.model.trace.IlrDWTraceFilter
Checks whether the trace filter on the execution output is activated.
isInfoExecutionTrace() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.model.trace.IlrDWTraceFilter
Always true
isInfoInetAddress() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Tests whether the Internet address filter is activated.
isInfoInputParameters() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.model.trace.IlrDWTraceFilter
Checks whether the trace filter on input parameters is activated.
isInfoOutputParameters() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.model.trace.IlrDWTraceFilter
Checks whether the trace filter on output parameters is activated.
isInfoRules() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Tests whether the filter is activated for IlrExecutionTrace.getRules()
isInfoRulesetProperties() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.model.trace.IlrDWTraceFilter
Checks whether the trace filter on ruleset properties is activated.
isInfoRulesNotFired() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Checks the trace filter on the rules that were not fired.
isInfoSystemProperties() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Returns the trace filter on the working memory.
isInfoTasks() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Tests whether the filter is activated for IlrExecutionTrace.getTasks().
isInfoTasksNotExecuted() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Returns the trace filter on the tasks that were not executed.
isInfoTotalRules() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.model.trace.IlrDWTraceFilter
Checks whether the trace filter on the rules total count is activated.
isInfoTotalRulesFired() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Checks the trace filter on the number of rules fired.
isInfoTotalRulesNotFired() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Checks the trace filter on the number of rules that were not fired.
isInfoTotalTasks() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.model.trace.IlrDWTraceFilter
Checks whether the trace filter on the tasks total count is activated.
isInfoTotalTasksExecuted() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Checks the trace filter on the number of tasks executed.
isInfoTotalTasksNotExecuted() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Checks the trace filter on the number of tasks that were not executed.
isInfoUserData() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.model.trace.IlrDWTraceFilter
Checks whether the trace filter on user data is activated.
isInfoWorkingMemory() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrTraceFilter
Returns the trace filter on the working memory.
isInterceptorEnabled() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrSessionFactory
Returns whether interceptors are enabled.
isInterceptorEnabled() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrSessionRequest
Checks if session or session factory interceptors are overridden.
isInterceptorEnabled() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrStatefulSession
Tests whether the interceptors are enabled.
isJavaProject() - Method in class ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.IlrFileGenerator
Tests if the project is a Java or a simple project.
isLogAutoFlushEnabled() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.config.IlrXUConfig
isMethod() - Method in interface ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.IlrSignature
The parameter value can be an expression or a method.
isMonitoringEnabled() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.model.IlrRulesetArchiveProperties
Checks whether ruleset monitoring is enabled.
isOptimizationEnabled() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.model.IlrRulesetArchiveProperties
Checks whether ruleset optimization is enabled.
isPageCompleteAtCreation() - Method in class ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page.IlrFileGeneratorWizardPage
isPageCompleteAtCreation() - Method in class ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page.IlrRulesetParameterWizardPage
isPrimitiveType() - Method in class ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.IlrFileGenerator.Parameter
Returns true if the type is a primitive type and false otherwise.
isRedefinitionAllowed() - Method in class ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page.IlrTraceFilterWizardPage
Returns true if the radio button must be visible in the page.
isRemote() - Method in class ilog.rules.res.session.IlrEJB3SessionFactory
Checks if remote EJBs are being used.
isRESConfigurationSupported(IlrExecutionServer) - Method in class ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.IlrAbstractRESConfigurationSelectionDialog
Returns true if the specified configuration can be selected through the dialog.
isRuleAppPath() - Method in class ilog.rules.res.model.IlrPath
Checks whether this path points to a RuleApp.
isRulesetExecutionAllowed(String, IlrPath, Map<String, String>, Object) - Method in class com.ibm.rules.res.xu.plugin.AuthorizationPlugin
Whether the execution of a given ruleset is allowed.
isRulesetPath() - Method in class ilog.rules.res.model.IlrPath
Checks whether this path points to a ruleset.
isRulesetUptodate() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrStatefulSession
Tests whether the underlying ruleset used by this session is up to date with respect to the Rule Execution Server repository.
isRulesetUsageMonitorEnabled() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.config.IlrXUConfig
isSequentialTraceEnabled() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.model.IlrRulesetArchiveProperties
Checks whether traces are enabled in the sequential execution mode.
isShareable() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.model.IlrRulesetArchiveProperties
Checks whether instances of the given rulesets are reused and shared.
isTraceEnabled() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.model.IlrRulesetArchiveProperties
Checks whether the rule engine traces are enabled.
isTraceEnabled() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrSessionRequest
Checks if XU traces are enabled.
isTraceEnabled() - Method in interface ilog.rules.res.session.IlrStatefulSession
Tests whether the trace is enabled.
isValidatedPageAtCreation() - Method in class ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page.IlrFileGeneratorWizardPage
Called by the redefined createControl final method to know if the page is complete when it is created.
isValidatedPageAtCreation() - Method in class ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page.IlrFileGeneratorWizardSelectionPage
Called by the redefined createControl final method to know if the page is complete when it is created.
isValidatedPageAtCreation() - Method in class ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page.IlrProjectReference
Checks to verify whether the newly created page is complete.
isValidatedPageAtCreation() - Method in class ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page.IlrRuleAppReference
Checks to verify whether the newly created page is complete.
isValidatedPageAtCreation() - Method in class ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page.IlrRulesetParameterWizardPage
The IlrRulesetParameterWizardPage implementation of this IlrFileGeneratorWizardPage method returns true if all lines of the table are filled.
isValidatedPageAtCreation() - Method in class ilog.rules.studio.res.ui.generator.impl.wizard.page.IlrRulesetReference
Checks to verify whether the newly created page is complete.
isVersionMandatory() - Method in class ilog.rules.studio.res.generator.impl.IlrPOJOGenerator.PojoRulesetArchive
Returns code>true if the version is mandatory to avoid duplication in the generated names.
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Rule Execution Server API

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