Interface RuleInstance

  • public interface RuleInstance
    An RuleInstance object is defined by the association between an RuleAction and the tuple that satisfies the condition part of a Rule. Although a Rule can be composed of several RuleAction parts, a RuleInstance object is linked to one RuleAction only.
    See Also:
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      static java.lang.Object INVALID_VALUE
      Represent an invalid value of a variable, i.e.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      EngineData getEngineData()
      Returns the EngineData linked to this RuleInstance.
      int getPriority()
      Returns the priority of the Rule object linked to this RuleInstance.
      int getRecency()
      Returns the recency of the tuple linked to this RuleInstance.
      Rule getRule()
      Returns the Rule object linked to this rule instance.
      RuleAction getRuleAction()
      Returns the RuleAction linked this RuleInstance.
      java.lang.String getRuleName()
      Returns the name of the Rule object linked to this rule instance.
      java.lang.Object[] getTuple()
      Returns the object bindings or the tuple that satisfies the rule conditions.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> getVariables()
      Return the map of variables of the rule instance.
    • Field Detail


        static final java.lang.Object INVALID_VALUE
        Represent an invalid value of a variable, i.e. when an exception has been encountered during its evaluation.
    • Method Detail

      • getRule

        Rule getRule()
        Returns the Rule object linked to this rule instance.
        The linked Rule.
      • getRuleName

        java.lang.String getRuleName()
        Returns the name of the Rule object linked to this rule instance.
        The Rule name.
      • getRuleAction

        RuleAction getRuleAction()
        Returns the RuleAction linked this RuleInstance.
        The RuleAction instance linked this RuleInstance.
      • getTuple

        java.lang.Object[] getTuple()
        Returns the object bindings or the tuple that satisfies the rule conditions.
        The tuple that satisfies the rule conditions.
      • getEngineData

        EngineData getEngineData()
        Returns the EngineData linked to this RuleInstance.
        The EngineData linked to this RuleInstance.
      • getPriority

        int getPriority()
        Returns the priority of the Rule object linked to this RuleInstance.
        The rule priority.
      • getRecency

        int getRecency()
        Returns the recency of the tuple linked to this RuleInstance.
        The recency of the tuple linked to this RuleInstance.
      • getVariables

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> getVariables()
        Return the map of variables of the rule instance.
        The map of value of the rule instance variables.

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