
Interface IlrDeploymentFacility

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface IlrDeploymentFacility
    Deployment services for a Decision Center session, allowing to generate and deploy rulesets and RuleApps.
    See Also:
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      static int DEPLOY
      Deploy deployment type.
      static java.lang.String INC_MAJOR
      Increment major version (RuleApp versioning policy).
      static java.lang.String INC_MAJOR_RULESET
      Increment the major version of the rulesets (RuleApp versioning policy).
      static java.lang.String INC_MINOR
      Increment minor version (RuleApp versioning policy).
      static java.lang.String INC_MINOR_RULESET
      Increment the minor version of the rulesets (RuleApp versioning policy).
      static int REDEPLOY
      Redeploy deployment type.
      static java.lang.String REPLACE_RULEAPP
      Replace the RuleApp (RuleApp versioning policy).
      static java.lang.String REPLACE_RULESET
      Replace the rulesets contained in the RuleApp (RuleApp versioning policy).
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      IlrArchiveOutput deployDSRuleAppArchive(IlrDeployment deployment, java.util.Collection<IlrServer> servers, java.lang.String deploymentBaselineName, boolean redeploy, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> rulesetVersions)
      Deploys a decision service to a Rule Execution Server.
      void deployEventProject(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String deploymentTag)
      Deploys an Event project to a WBE runtime.
      IlrArchiveOutput deployRuleAppArchive(IlrElementHandle ruleAppHandle, java.lang.String url, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String versioningPolicy, java.lang.String tagName, int deploymentType)
      Generates a RuleApp archive for the given RuleApp and tag name and deploys it to the given Rule Execution Server.
      IlrArchiveOutput generateRuleAppArchive(IlrElementHandle ruleAppHandle, java.lang.String tagName, int deploymentType)
      Generates a RuleApp archive for the given RuleApp and tag name.
      IlrArchiveOutput generateRulesetArchive(IlrSearchCriteria searchCriteria, java.lang.String extractorValidatorSymbol, java.lang.String rulesetName)
      Generates a ruleset archive for the given query and extractor validator symbol.
    • Method Detail

      • generateRulesetArchive

        IlrArchiveOutput generateRulesetArchive(IlrSearchCriteria searchCriteria,
                                              java.lang.String extractorValidatorSymbol,
                                              java.lang.String rulesetName)
                                                throws IlrApplicationException
        Generates a ruleset archive for the given query and extractor validator symbol.

        If the preference ilog.rules.teamserver.buildCheckArchive is set to true, then the archive is checked just after being generated.

        When errors are found during the archive generation or the check:

        • If the severity of the error is greater than or equal to the preference ilog.rules.teamserver.rulesetGenerationAbortLevel, an exception is thrown and the returned IlrArchiveOutput is null.
        • Otherwise, the error is put in the error list of the archive output.
        IlrApplicationException - If an error occurs during the generation of the ruleset. For instance, if a rule is found at the beginning of the transaction and it is removed by another user before the end of the transaction, then an IlrObjectNotFoundException is thrown.
        searchCriteria - The search criteria. It must apply on subclasses of brm.RuleArtifact.
        extractorValidatorSymbol - Designates an extractor validator that can filter out by API the rule artifacts matched by the search criteria. If null, all elements are taken.
        rulesetName - The name of the generated ruleset.
        An archive output.
        See Also:
      • generateRuleAppArchive

        IlrArchiveOutput generateRuleAppArchive(IlrElementHandle ruleAppHandle,
                                              java.lang.String tagName,
                                              int deploymentType)
                                                throws IlrApplicationException
        Generates a RuleApp archive for the given RuleApp and tag name.

        If the preference ilog.rules.teamserver.buildCheckArchive is set to true, the archive is checked just after being generated.

        When errors are found during the archive generation or the check:

        • If the severity of the error is greater than or equal to the preference ilog.rules.teamserver.rulesetGenerationAbortLevel, an exception is thrown and the returned IlrArchiveOutput is null.
        • Otherwise, the error is put in the error list of the archive output.

        The tag name and deployment type parameters are interpreted as follows:

        • If tagName is not null and the deployment type is DEPLOY, then generating the RuleApp will create a baseline named tagName for each project referenced by the RuleApp.
        • If tagName is null and the deployment type is DEPLOY, then no baseline is created during the RuleApp generation.
        • If tagName is not null and the deployment type is REDEPLOY, then the ruleset is generated from the baselines corresponding to the given tagName.
        • If tagName is null and the deployment type is REDEPLOY, then it is equivalent to tagName being null and deployment type set to DEPLOY.
        IlrApplicationException - If an error occurs during the generation of the RuleApp. For instance, if a rule is found at the beginning of the transaction and it is removed by another user before the end of the transaction, then an IlrObjectNotFoundException is thrown.
        ruleAppHandle - The handle on the RuleApp from which the archive should be generated.
        tagName - The name of the tag to create or to use during generation.
        deploymentType - One of IlrDeploymentFacility.DEPLOY or IlrDeploymentFacility.REDEPLOY.
        An archive output.
      • deployRuleAppArchive

        IlrArchiveOutput deployRuleAppArchive(IlrElementHandle ruleAppHandle,
                                            java.lang.String url,
                                            java.lang.String username,
                                            java.lang.String password,
                                            java.lang.String versioningPolicy,
                                            java.lang.String tagName,
                                            int deploymentType)
                                              throws IlrApplicationException
        Generates a RuleApp archive for the given RuleApp and tag name and deploys it to the given Rule Execution Server.
        IlrApplicationException - If an error occurs during the generation of the RuleApp. For instance, if a rule is found at the beginning of the transaction and it is removed by another user before the end of the transaction, then an IlrObjectNotFoundException is thrown.
        ruleAppHandle - The handle on the RuleApp from which the archive should be generated.
        url - The URL of the execution server (something like http://hostname:port/bres).
        username - The user name of the RES user to use to deploy the RuleApp.
        password - The password of the RES user to use to deploy the RuleApp.
        versioningPolicy - The versioning policy to apply when deploying the archive to Rule Execution Server. This should be one of INC_MAJOR, INC_MINOR, REPLACE_RULEAPP, INC_MAJOR_RULESET, INC_MINOR_RULESET, or REPLACE_RULESET.
        tagName - The name of the tag to create or to use during generation.
        deploymentType - One of IlrDeploymentFacility.DEPLOY or IlrDeploymentFacility.REDEPLOY.
        An archive output.
        See Also:
        generateRuleAppArchive(IlrElementHandle, String, int)
      • deployEventProject

        void deployEventProject(java.lang.String url,
                              java.lang.String username,
                              java.lang.String password,
                              java.lang.String deploymentTag)
                                throws IlrApplicationException
        Deploys an Event project to a WBE runtime. If a tag is specified and already exists, the deployment will use this tag.
        IlrApplicationException - If an error occurs during the deployment of the project.
        url - The URL to the WBE runtime (something like http://hostname:port).
        username - The user name of the WBE runtime user to use to deploy the project.
        password - The password of the WBE runtime user to use to deploy the project.
        deploymentTag - The name of the tag to create or to use during deployment. If null, the entire project will be deployed.
      • deployDSRuleAppArchive

        IlrArchiveOutput deployDSRuleAppArchive(IlrDeployment deployment,
                                              java.util.Collection<IlrServer> servers,
                                              java.lang.String deploymentBaselineName,
                                              boolean redeploy,
                                              java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> rulesetVersions)
                                                throws IlrApplicationException
        Deploys a decision service to a Rule Execution Server.
        IlrApplicationException - If an error occurs during the deployment of the project.
        deployment - The deployment configuration to use for deployment.
        servers - A collection of RES servers to override the ones defined in the deployment configuration. if an empty collection is used, you will only get the archive output.
        deploymentBaselineName - The name of the deployment baseline to use. If null a default name will be used.
        redeploy - In case of re-deployment from a deployment baseline, this parameter must be set to true and to false otherwise.
        rulesetVersions - When the version policy allows it, this map can be used to specify the versions of the ruleset deployed. The key is the name of the ruleset and the value is the intended version. If null the default version policy will be used.
        An archive output.

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