Loading data into a Performance HDB

After defining the HDB, you can start to collect (load) the historical performance data.

Select option 3 Load from the HDB menu to generate JCL to load an HDB.
Figure 1. Load HDBs
                                  Load HDBs                    Row 1 to 1 of 1 
Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR_ 
Select to load an HDB.                                                         
   Name     Type              Description                Changed        ID     
S CICSP1H  SUMMARY  Summary HDB for CICSP1           2004/12/06 16:02 JCH      
Select the required HDB from the list to display the Load panel.
Figure 2. Load Summary HDB
   File  Systems  Options  Help 
                        Load SUMMARY HDB - CICSP1H                            
 Command ===>                                                              

 Specify HDB load options then press Enter to continue submit.               

 System Selection:                   ───── Report Interval ────── 
  APPLID . . CICSP1H   +                  YYYY/MM/DD  HH:MM:SS.TH            
  Image  . .           +             From 0           09:00:00.00 
  Group  . .           +             To   0           16:30:00.00 

 DB2 Export Options:                                                        
     Load DB2 Table                  
  Table Load Options                  Include Clock Field Components         
  1  1. Resume                        1  1. Time and Count                  
     2. Replace                          2. Time only                       
                                         3. Count only                      
  Statistics data VRMs to be loaded   Summary Options                        
   TS: 730      +      +      +          Include Sums of Squares            
   TG: 930      +      +      +                                              

 Enter "/" to select option                                                  
 /  Edit JCL before submit          
The options are:
System Selection
System Selection specifies the CICS® system(s) whose data is to be loaded into the HDB. It is initialized to the CICS system APPLID that you specified during HDB definition.

In Figure 2, CICS PA generates an APPLID(CICSP1) operand in the command deck and includes DD statements for the SMF Files defined in System Definitions for CICSP1.

Report Interval
Specify the time range of data to be included in the HDB. You can specify an explicit date, such as 2004-12-05, or a relative date to indicate today (0), yesterday (-1), two days ago (-2), and so on. We have used a relative date of zero (0) to indicate that we are processing today's SMF data, from 9:00am to 4:30pm.

It is recommended that you specify relative dates if you want to use an automated job scheduler to run the load HDB JCL regularly. The JCL can be set up once and run daily without needing to change it.

DB2 Export Options
To export the data to DB2® directly after loading it into the HDB, select the Load DB2 Table option. For details of the JCL that this option generates, see Load JCL. (The remaining DB2 export options are only relevant if you select the Load DB2 Table option.)

The DB2 table to which you are exporting must already be defined.

To define a DB2 table, see Creating DDL to define a DB2 table.

If you select 2. Replace for Table Load Options and the HDB load fails, then the result is an empty DB2 table.

When you have specified your Load options, you are prompted to Press ENTER to proceed with request. This provides a last opportunity to review and change your load request.

If you selected Edit JCL before submit then the Load HDB JCL is displayed in an edit session. Specify this option if you want to save the JCL in an automated job scheduler JCL library.
Figure 3. Edit JCL for Load Summary HDB
EDIT       JCH.SPFTEMP1.CNTL                               Columns 00001 00072 
Command ===> change '<unresolved>' 'CICSP1.DAILY.CMF(0)'__ Scroll ===> CSR_ 
****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
000001 //CICSPA  JOB ,NOTIFY=&SYSUID                                           
000002 //*  CICS PA V5R4 HDB LOAD JCL                                           
000003 //CICSPA   EXEC PGM=CPAMAIN                                             
000004 //STEPLIB  DD  DSN=CPA.V5R4M0.SCPALINK,DISP=SHR                         
000006 //SYSPRINT DD  SYSOUT=*                                                 
000007 //* SMF Input Files                                                     
000008 //* SMF Files that follow have unresolved DSNs                          
000009 //* SMF File for System=CICSP1                                          
000010 //SMFIN901 DD DSN=<unresolved>,DISP=SHR                                 
000011 //* Command Input                                                       
000012 //SYSIN DD *                                                            
000013 * HDB=CICSP1H                                                           
000014 * Description=Summary HDB for CICSP1                                    
000015          CICSPA SMFSTART(0,09:00:00.00),                                
000016                  SMFSTOP(0,16:30:00.00)                                 
000017 * HDB Load for System=CICSP1                                            
000018          CICSPA IN(SMFIN901),                                           
000019                 APPLID(CICSP1),                                         
000020                 LINECNT(60),                                            
000021                 FORMAT(':','/'),                                        
000022             HDB(OUTPUT(HDBL0001),LOAD(CICSP1H))                         
000023 /*                                                                      

The SMF file data set name for system CICSP1 is unresolved. This indicates that the System Definition for CICSP1 does not have SMF files specified. Substitute the required SMF file data set name into the JCL.

The command deck specifies operands to load HDB CICSP1H:
Enter SUBmit in the command line to submit the job to run the load.
Successful completion of the Load request will generate a Recap report like the following.
Figure 4. HDB Load Recap report
 V5R4M0                                                  CICS Performance Analyzer
                                                           HDB Load Recap Report
HDBL0001 Printed at 9:28:48 12/07/2004  Data from 09:02:00 12/07/2004 to 16:29:00 12/07/2004  Page  1
The following Container(s) were created and loaded: 
  Container DSN: JCH.CICSP1H.D03219.T092846.HDB               No of Records: 54,567 
   Start Time Stamp: 2004-12-07-09.00.00        End Time Stamp: 2004-12-07-16.00.00 
LOAD process complete.
The Recap report provides a list of the Container data sets created by the Load process. In this example, CICS PA created Container data set JCH.CICSP1H.D03219.T092846.HDB. It contains 54,567 records for the period 9:00am to 4:00pm on December 7, 2004.