Additional Tag Attributes for Explore

Explore allows for reporting based on attributes of a tag (for example, brand, language, author). Collecting and using attributes in reporting requires the Explore product and the IBM® Digital Analytics-hosted library (//

The following tag types each support up to 50 attributes with a length of 256 characters per attribute:

Microsoft Internet Explorer request length is limited to 2083 bytes. Check that your total attribute length for each tag is no more than 1.5k to allow for collection of standard tag parameters such as Page ID, category ID and Product ID, destination and referring URL values, and around 200 additional bytes for data included in all requests.

To obtain Digital Analytics Explore contact your IBM Digital Analytics Account or Sales Representative. See the Digital Analytics Explore User Guide for more information on suggested attributes for capture and how to create reports using attributes.

Capturing Digital Analytics Explore Attributes

Explore Attribute values are sent to Digital Analytics Explore as a single "-_-" delimited tag parameter value. The Explore Attribute tag parameter is in the parameter list for each tag that supports Digital Analytics Explore data collection (see Section 2.6).

Specify Alternative Delimiter for Digital Analytics Explore Attributes Parameter

If the default delimiter value of '-_-' cannot be used, you can specify an alternative delimiter by using cm_AttributeDelimiter. This action might be required if an attribute value contains the default delimiter character.

For example, you can change the delimiter from -_- (the default) to _-_ by using the following command:
Note: Changing the delimiter for attributes also changes the delimiter expected in extra fields parameter.  It is not possible to set separate delimiters for the attribute and extra field parameters.

Example "Page View" Tag Function Call with Explore Attributes

In this example Pageview tag, the parameters "PageID", "PageCategoryID", "attribute-1", "attribute-3" and "attribute-4" are sent. Search string and search results specify JavaScript null values to maintain correct parameter order. By not specifying any value for attribute position 2 in the "-_-" concatenated Attribute string, retain the correct parameter order for the "attribute-3" and "attribute-4" values is retained.
  • Function definition from //
    function cmCreatePageviewTag(pageID, categoryID, searchString, searchResults,
     attributes, extraFields)
  • Function call
    <script type="text/javascript">
    -_-attribute-3-_-attribute-4", "extrafield1-_-extrafield2-_--_-extrafield4");
  • Equivalent digitalData JSON declaration:
    digitalData = {
  • Tagbar test output:
    Page View tag (Test)
    Tag Type (tid):"1" (Page View tag)
    Page ID (pi):"PageID"
    Category ID (cg):"PageCategoryID"
    Attribute 1 (Explore) (pv_a1):"attribute-1"
    Attribute 3 (Explore) (pv_a3):"attribute-3"
    Attribute 4 (Explore) (pv_a4):"attribute-4"
    Extra Field 1 (pv1):"extrafield1"
    Extra Field 2 (pv2):"extrafield2"
    Extra Field 4 (pv4):"extrafield4"