
Interface CmContentMigrationPolicy

  • All Superinterfaces:
    CmSweepPolicy, EngineObject, IndependentlyPersistableObject, IndependentObject, Replicable, RepositoryObject,, Subscribable

    public interface CmContentMigrationPolicy
    extends RepositoryObject, CmSweepPolicy
    Represents a background task that moves content from one storage area to another. CmContentMigrationPolicy operates continuously, periodically sweeping over Document or Annotation instances, and applying the specified storage policy to all instances that meet the criteria set in the filter expression. This allows content migration policies to be used, for example, to implement a hierarchical storage management (HSM) mechanism, where content is moved progressively to lower cost, higher latency storage as it ages, or to distribute content to different storage areas based on a changing property value.

    CmContentMigrationPolicy can also be used to disable replication on federated documents and annotations after the content has been moved to a P8 storage area.

    CmContentMigrationPolicy offers the same functionality as CmBulkMoveContentJob, except that CmBulkMoveContentJob makes a single pass over instances of the Document or Annotation target class or subclass.

    When you create a CmContentMigrationPolicy object, the server automatically creates the other objects required for policy-based processing: CmSweepPolicyRelationship and CmPolicyControlledSweep. A CmContentMigrationPolicy object can be associated with only one policy controlled sweep.


    • Method Detail

      • get_EndReplicationAfterMove

        java.lang.Boolean get_EndReplicationAfterMove()
        Returns the value of the EndReplicationAfterMove property. For more information, see EndReplicationAfterMove Property.
      • set_EndReplicationAfterMove

        void set_EndReplicationAfterMove(java.lang.Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the EndReplicationAfterMove property. For more information, see EndReplicationAfterMove Property.
      • get_UpdateStoragePolicy

        java.lang.Boolean get_UpdateStoragePolicy()
        Specifies whether the move content sweep should update the storage policy of objects moved.
      • set_UpdateStoragePolicy

        void set_UpdateStoragePolicy(java.lang.Boolean value)
        Specifies whether the move content sweep should update the storage policy of objects moved. Settability Restrictions: None.

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