Interface ApplicationSecurityTemplate

  • All Superinterfaces:
    DependentObject, EngineObject, RepositoryObject, SecurityTemplate,

    public interface ApplicationSecurityTemplate
    extends RepositoryObject, SecurityTemplate, DependentObject
    Represents a template through which an application can apply permissions (access rights) to a Document, CustomObject, or Folder object, and to their subclasses. Security templates are not independently persistable to the Content Engine; they are contained in a SecurityPolicy object. The template contains the permissions that will be applied to an object by the application program. An ApplicationSecurityTemplate object also has associated AccessPermissionDescription objects, each of which provide descriptive information for an access right or level.

    You can enable or disable a template within its security policy container. An enabled template can be applied to an object; a disabled template remains an item in the security policy container but cannot be applied to an object.

    A SecurityTemplate object can represent either an application security template or a versioning security template, and both types can exist simultaneously in a single SecurityPolicy object. The two template types are differentiated by their use and by their class IDs (GUIDs). A versioning security template is automatically applied when the state of a document version changes, and may also be explicitly applied at any time by a user or group with permission to modify the object's security (AccessRight.WRITE_ACL). However, an application security template is never automatically applied. It must be explicitly applied by an application calling the applySecurityTemplate method. For more information, see the applySecurityTemplate method on the Document, CustomObject, and Folder interfaces.

    To create an instance of ApplicationSecurityTemplate, call createInstance on the Factory.ApplicationSecurityTemplate class. To retrieve an ApplicationSecurityTemplate object from a SecurityPolicy object, first retrieve the SecurityPolicy object's SecurityTemplates property then retrieve a SecurityTemplate object of the desired type from the returned SecurityTemplates collection.


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