Interface UpdateSecurityEvent

  • All Superinterfaces:
    EngineObject, Event, IndependentlyPersistableObject, IndependentObject, ObjectChangeEvent, RepositoryObject,

    public interface UpdateSecurityEvent
    extends RepositoryObject, ObjectChangeEvent
    Represents an event that occurs when the security of an object is changed.

    Note that the dynamic inheritance feature of the Content Engine security model impacts UpdateSecurityEvent as follows. First, modifying the security of a folder will not automatically propogate to the documents contained in the folder; that is, the security of the documents in the folder will not change. Therefore, the system will generate an UpdateSecurityEvent object for the folder, but it will not generate an UpdateSecurityEvent object for each contained document. Second, an update to any object-valued property designated as inheritable in the metadata will generate an UpdateSecurityEvent object .

    You can instantiate an UpdateSecurityEvent object in the following ways:

    • Call the getInstance or fetchInstance method on the Factory.UpdateSecurityEvent class.
    • Call get_AuditedEvents on a Document, Folder, or CustomObject object, and iterate the EventSet collection for instances of UpdateSecurityEvent objects.


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