
Class Factory.User

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.filenet.api.core.Factory.User
  • Enclosing class:

    public static class Factory.User
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Method Detail

      • fetchCurrent

        public static User fetchCurrent(Connection connection,
                                        PropertyFilter filter)
        Returns the current user. If you pass in null for the filter parameter, this method returns values for all non-object properties and returns placeholders for all object-valued properties. For more information, see the description of the filter parameter.
        connection - A Connection object for establishing the connection to the Content Engine server.
        filter - A PropertyFilter object that represents information for controlling which property values (and with what level of detail and recursion) to return. If null, this method returns values for all non-object properties and returns placeholders for all object-valued properties (PropertyEngineObject properties with a state of PropertyState.UNEVALUATED or PropertyState.REFERENCE); any subsequent attempts to access an object-valued property will cause an automatic round-trip to the server to fetch its value.
        A User object representing the current user. Note that if used within an asynchronous event handler, this method returns the user who triggered the event, who might be different from the user in the JAAS security context.
      • getInstance

        public static User getInstance(Connection connection,
                                       java.lang.String name)
        Retrieves an instance of the User class by the specified connection and symbolic name. This method does not verify the existence of the requested object on the server; it simply returns a local reference without making a round-trip to the server. The local reference is not affiliated with an object of this class type until you perform a function on the object (for example, fetch a property value) that causes a round-trip to the Content Engine server.
        connection - A Connection object for establishing the connection to the Content Engine server.
        name - The symbolic name of the class instance to retrieve.
        A reference to an object of the requested type.
      • fetchInstance

        public static User fetchInstance(Connection connection,
                                         java.lang.String name,
                                         PropertyFilter filter)
        Retrieves an object of the User class by the specified connection and symbolic name. This method always makes a round-trip to the server. You can optionally include a filter to control which properties to return with the object. If you pass in null for the filter parameter, this method returns values for all non-object properties and returns placeholders for all object-valued properties. For more information, see the description of the filter parameter.
        connection - A Connection object for establishing the connection to the Content Engine server.
        name - The name of the class instance to retrieve. Valid strings are the Id, the short name, or the distinguished name. If the authentication provider is Microsoft Active Directory, you can also specify the UPN.
        filter - A PropertyFilter object that represents information for controlling which property values (and with what level of detail and recursion) to return. If null, this method returns values for all non-object properties and returns placeholders for all object-valued properties (PropertyEngineObject properties with a state of PropertyState.UNEVALUATED or PropertyState.REFERENCE); any subsequent attempts to access an object-valued property will cause an automatic round-trip to the server to fetch its value.
        An object of the requested type.

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