
Class ReplicaSynchronizationType

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.filenet.api.constants.ReplicaSynchronizationType
    • Field Detail


        public static final int ASYNCHRONOUS_AS_INT
        An int value associated with the ASYNCHRONOUS instance of this class. Consider using the static instances of this class instead of the associated int values. The int values risk binary incompatibility (but not source incompatibility) from release to release.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final ReplicaSynchronizationType ASYNCHRONOUS
        A CmContentReplicationQueueSweep instance uploads the content to this replica. A slow storage device should always be defined as asynchronous. If this replica is in the same site as the Content Platform Engine instance, then the instance must be directly connected to the replica.

        public static final int SECONDARY_AS_INT
        An int value associated with the SECONDARY instance of this class. Consider using the static instances of this class instead of the associated int values. The int values risk binary incompatibility (but not source incompatibility) from release to release.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final ReplicaSynchronizationType SECONDARY
        A secondary replica is a candidate for synchronous content upload, and will be populated during upload if needed, depending on the number of required and desired replicas. If a secondary replica is not populated during upload, it will be populated asynchronously, by the replication queue sweep. Secondary replicas are lower priority than primary replicas, but the prioritization is site specific.
        See Also:
        Content upload priorities

        public static final int PRIMARY_AS_INT
        An int value associated with the PRIMARY instance of this class. Consider using the static instances of this class instead of the associated int values. The int values risk binary incompatibility (but not source incompatibility) from release to release.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • PRIMARY

        public static final ReplicaSynchronizationType PRIMARY
        A primary replica is a candidate for synchronous content upload, and will be populated during upload if needed, depending on the number of required and desired replicas. If a primary replica is not populated during upload, it will be populated asynchronously, by the replication queue sweep. Primary replicas are higher priority than secondary replicas, but the prioritization is site specific.
        See Also:
        Content upload priorities
    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public int getValue()
        Returns the internal integer value associated with a specific instance of this class.
        The enumeration instance's ordinal value.
        See Also:
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Returns a String representation of this enumeration instance.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        The enumeration instance's description.
      • getInstanceFromInt

        public static ReplicaSynchronizationType getInstanceFromInt(int value)
        Returns an instance of this class using its associated integer value.
        value - The integer value. (See the *_AS_INT fields.)
        The enumeration instance with the given ordinal value.
        EngineRuntimeException - If an enumeration instance with the given ordinal value does not exist.
        See Also:

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