
Class PrincipalSearchType

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.filenet.api.constants.PrincipalSearchType
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      static PrincipalSearchType CONTAINS
      A constant representing a PrincipalSearchType instance of type CONTAINS.
      static int CONTAINS_AS_INT
      An integer associated with the CONTAINS instance of this class.
      static PrincipalSearchType CUSTOM
      A constant representing a PrincipalSearchType instance of type CUSTOM.
      static int CUSTOM_AS_INT
      An integer associated with the CUSTOM instance of this class.
      static PrincipalSearchType EXACT
      A constant representing a PrincipalSearchType instance of type EXACT.
      static int EXACT_AS_INT
      An integer associated with the EXACT instance of this class.
      static PrincipalSearchType NONE
      A constant representing a PrincipalSearchType instance of type NONE.
      static int NONE_AS_INT
      An integer associated with the NONE instance of this class.
      static PrincipalSearchType PREFIX_MATCH
      A constant representing a PrincipalSearchType instance of type PREFIX_MATCH.
      static int PREFIX_MATCH_AS_INT
      An integer associated with the PREFIX_MATCH instance of this class.
      static PrincipalSearchType SUFFIX_MATCH
      A constant representing a PrincipalSearchType instance of type SUFFIX_MATCH.
      static int SUFFIX_MATCH_AS_INT
      An integer associated with the SUFFIX_MATCH instance of this class.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      static PrincipalSearchType getInstanceFromInt(int value)
      Gets the instance of this class using its associated integer value (the *_AS_INT fields).
      int getValue()
      Returns an integer value associated with a specific instance of this class.
      java.lang.String toString()
      Returns a String representation of this instance.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • NONE_AS_INT

        public static final int NONE_AS_INT
        An integer associated with the NONE instance of this class.

        Use the static instances of this class, rather than the associated integer values. The integer values risk binary incompatibility (but not source incompatibility) across product releases.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int CUSTOM_AS_INT
        An integer associated with the CUSTOM instance of this class.

        Use the static instances of this class, rather than the associated integer values. The integer values risk binary incompatibility (but not source incompatibility) across product releases.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • CUSTOM

        public static final PrincipalSearchType CUSTOM
        A constant representing a PrincipalSearchType instance of type CUSTOM. This specifies that the caller has full control of the pattern matching used for the search pattern. For example, if specifying "*foo*" as a search pattern, the search criteria includes all names that contain "foo".
        See Also:
        getValue(), getInstanceFromInt(int)

        public static final int PREFIX_MATCH_AS_INT
        An integer associated with the PREFIX_MATCH instance of this class.

        Use the static instances of this class, rather than the associated integer values. The integer values risk binary incompatibility (but not source incompatibility) across product releases.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final PrincipalSearchType PREFIX_MATCH
        A constant representing a PrincipalSearchType instance of type PREFIX_MATCH. This specifies that prefix pattern matching is used for the search pattern. For example, if specifying "foo" as a search pattern, the search criteria includes all names that begin with "foo".
        See Also:
        getValue(), getInstanceFromInt(int)

        public static final int SUFFIX_MATCH_AS_INT
        An integer associated with the SUFFIX_MATCH instance of this class.

        Use the static instances of this class, rather than the associated integer values. The integer values risk binary incompatibility (but not source incompatibility) across product releases.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final PrincipalSearchType SUFFIX_MATCH
        A constant representing a PrincipalSearchType instance of type SUFFIX_MATCH. This specifies that suffix pattern matching is used for the search pattern. For example, if specifying "foo" as a search pattern, the search criteria includes all names that end with "foo".
        See Also:
        getValue(), getInstanceFromInt(int)

        public static final int CONTAINS_AS_INT
        An integer associated with the CONTAINS instance of this class.

        Use the static instances of this class, rather than the associated integer values. The integer values risk binary incompatibility (but not source incompatibility) across product releases.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • EXACT_AS_INT

        public static final int EXACT_AS_INT
        An integer associated with the EXACT instance of this class.

        Use the static instances of this class, rather than the associated integer values. The integer values risk binary incompatibility (but not source incompatibility) across product releases.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public int getValue()
        Returns an integer value associated with a specific instance of this class.
        An integer representing a specific instance of this class.
      • getInstanceFromInt

        public static PrincipalSearchType getInstanceFromInt(int value)
        Gets the instance of this class using its associated integer value (the *_AS_INT fields).
        value - An integer representing a particular static instance of this class.
        The PrincipalSearchType instance referenced.
        EngineRuntimeException - Thrown when the parameter is null.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Returns a String representation of this instance.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        A String representing the instance.

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