
Interface VirtualServer

  • All Superinterfaces:
    EngineObject, IndependentlyPersistableObject, IndependentObject,

    public interface VirtualServer
    extends IndependentlyPersistableObject
    Represents a logical entity for managing a group of server instances. Multiple server instances can run simultaneously on a single physical machine, or can be deployed on separate machines. A virtual server is composed of multiple server instances logically operating together to provide a service or services. Clients of the Content Engine interact with a VirtualServer, rather than interacting with a specific ServerInstance. If a VirtualServer consists of a single ServerInstance, then the two are functionally equivalent. If a VirtualServer consists of multiple server instances, then client requests are distributed between each individual ServerInstance, providing scalability and high availability. Clients are not aware of which ServerInstance actually fulfilled their request.

    When multiple server instances are configured to run as a VirtualServer, a third-party (non-FileNet) load balancing mechanism must exist if you want to distribute incoming requests among the server instances. This could be a Java™ Platform Enterprise Edition (Java EE) application server's clustering implementation, or it could be an external hardware or software load balancing product. In either case, an administrator, using the third-party's load balancing configuration tools, is responsible for configuring the load balancing for a VirtualServer.

    VirtualServer objects are created dynamically during system initialization and startup based on the configured topology of the application server or via specific system properties. They cannot be created via the API. You can retrieve a persisted VirtualServer object by calling getInstance or fetchInstance on the Factory.VirtualServer class.


    • Method Detail

      • get_Creator

        java.lang.String get_Creator()
        Returns the value of the Creator property. For more information, see Creator Property.
      • set_Creator

        void set_Creator(java.lang.String value)
        Sets the value of the Creator property. For more information, see Creator Property.
      • get_DateCreated

        java.util.Date get_DateCreated()
        Returns the value of the DateCreated property. For more information, see DateCreated Property.
      • set_DateCreated

        void set_DateCreated(java.util.Date value)
        Sets the value of the DateCreated property. For more information, see DateCreated Property.
      • get_LastModifier

        java.lang.String get_LastModifier()
        Returns the value of the LastModifier property. For more information, see LastModifier Property.
      • get_DateLastModified

        java.util.Date get_DateLastModified()
        Returns the value of the DateLastModified property. For more information, see DateLastModified Property.
      • get_Id

        Id get_Id()
        Returns the value of the Id property. For more information, see Id Property.
      • get_Name

        java.lang.String get_Name()
        Returns the value of the Name property. For more information, see Name Property.
      • get_Site

        Site get_Site()
        Returns the value of the Site property. For more information, see Site Property.
      • set_Site

        void set_Site(Site value)
        Sets the value of the Site property. For more information, see Site Property.
      • get_EJBForwardingEndpoint

        java.lang.String get_EJBForwardingEndpoint()
        Returns the value of the EJBForwardingEndpoint property. For more information, see EJBForwardingEndpoint Property.
      • set_EJBForwardingEndpoint

        void set_EJBForwardingEndpoint(java.lang.String value)
        Sets the value of the EJBForwardingEndpoint property. For more information, see EJBForwardingEndpoint Property.
      • get_ServerCommunicationURL

        java.lang.String get_ServerCommunicationURL()
        Returns the value of the ServerCommunicationURL property. For more information, see ServerCommunicationURL Property.
      • set_ServerCommunicationURL

        void set_ServerCommunicationURL(java.lang.String value)
        Sets the value of the ServerCommunicationURL property. For more information, see ServerCommunicationURL Property.
      • get_ServerCommunicationCertificateValidationEnabled

        java.lang.Boolean get_ServerCommunicationCertificateValidationEnabled()
        Returns the value of the ServerCommunicationCertificateValidationEnabled property. For more information, see ServerCommunicationCertificateValidationEnabled Property.
      • set_ServerCommunicationCertificateValidationEnabled

        void set_ServerCommunicationCertificateValidationEnabled(java.lang.Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the ServerCommunicationCertificateValidationEnabled property. For more information, see ServerCommunicationCertificateValidationEnabled Property.

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