
Interface CmTextSearchPartitionProperty

  • All Superinterfaces:
    DependentObject, EngineObject,
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    CmTextSearchPartitionDateProperty, CmTextSearchPartitionStringProperty

    public interface CmTextSearchPartitionProperty
    extends EngineObject, DependentObject
    Represents the base, abstract class whose instances refer to IBM® Content Search Services index partioning properties of CBR-enabled objects in an object store. A CBR-enabled object is a Document, Annotation, CustomObject, or Folder object whose class description's IsCBREnabled property has been set to true. A property of a CBR-enabled object that has been designated as an index partitioning property is used to determine the index in which to create an index for this object. When partition properties are specified in a text-search query, only indexes with the same partition property names and values are searched. Therefore, by configuring index partitioning in an object store, you can decrease the number of indexes that must be searched as a result of a query, provided that you use index partitioning properties in the query.

    Each property of a CBR-enabled object that is assigned as an index partitioning property must be a custom string- or date-valued property with a settability of SETTABLE_ONLY_ON_CREATE. You can have no more than one string and one date index partitioning property assigned in an object store.


    • Method Detail

      • get_Id

        Id get_Id()
        Returns the value of the Id property. For more information, see Id Property.
      • get_PartitionPropertyName

        java.lang.String get_PartitionPropertyName()
        Returns the value of the PartitionPropertyName property. For more information, see PartitionPropertyName Property.
      • set_PartitionPropertyName

        void set_PartitionPropertyName(java.lang.String value)
        Sets the value of the PartitionPropertyName property. For more information, see PartitionPropertyName Property.

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