
Interface CmIndexJobResyncItem

  • All Superinterfaces:
    DependentObject, EngineObject, IndexJobItem, RepositoryObject,

    public interface CmIndexJobResyncItem
    extends RepositoryObject, IndexJobItem, DependentObject
    Represents an index job that resynchronizes a full-text index with the data in an object store database. This type of index job addresses out-of-sync conditions that can occur between an index and database, such as when an index restored from a backup does not reflect changes to the database after the backup was made.

    For the index that is being resynced, the resync index job deletes index entries for the following types of objects: deleted objects, objects that are moved to a different index, or objects that are no longer CBR-enabled. Also, the index job creates any required index entries for objects that are not currently indexed in the index. If the ResyncModificationDate date is set, existing index entries are updated if the corresponding object was modified after the specified date.

    Like other index jobs, a CmIndexJobResyncItem object is added to a index job item list, which is set on an IndexJob instance.

    Note: Avoid creating an index job with multiple resync index job items. If such an index job fails, determining which resync items completed and which items need to be rerun is difficult. Also, no performance benefits result from creating such an index job versus creating a separate index job for each resync index item.


    • Method Detail

      • get_IndexationId

        Id get_IndexationId()
        Returns the value of the IndexationId property. For more information, see IndexationId Property.
      • set_IndexationId

        void set_IndexationId(Id value)
        Sets the value of the IndexationId property. For more information, see IndexationId Property.
      • get_ResyncModificationDate

        java.util.Date get_ResyncModificationDate()
        Returns the value of the ResyncModificationDate property. For more information, see ResyncModificationDate Property.
      • set_ResyncModificationDate

        void set_ResyncModificationDate(java.util.Date value)
        Sets the value of the ResyncModificationDate property. For more information, see ResyncModificationDate Property.

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