
Interface CmDirectoryConfigurationSCIM

    • Method Detail

      • get_SCIMContextPath

        java.lang.String get_SCIMContextPath()
        The path component of the URL used to access the SCIM service.
      • set_SCIMContextPath

        void set_SCIMContextPath(java.lang.String value)
        The path component of the URL used to access the SCIM service. Settability Restrictions: None.
      • get_SCIMAuthenticationURL

        java.lang.String get_SCIMAuthenticationURL()
        The URL through which to obtain an authentication token for access to the SCIM service.
      • set_SCIMAuthenticationURL

        void set_SCIMAuthenticationURL(java.lang.String value)
        The URL through which to obtain an authentication token for access to the SCIM service. Settability Restrictions: None.
      • get_UserDNAttribute

        java.lang.String get_UserDNAttribute()
        The attribute providing the distinguished name of the user.
      • set_UserDNAttribute

        void set_UserDNAttribute(java.lang.String value)
        The attribute providing the distinguished name of the user. Settability Restrictions: None.
      • get_GroupDNAttribute

        java.lang.String get_GroupDNAttribute()
        The attribute providing the distinguished name of the group.
      • set_GroupDNAttribute

        void set_GroupDNAttribute(java.lang.String value)
        The attribute providing the distinguished name of the group. Settability Restrictions: None.
      • get_SCIMServiceType

        SCIMServiceType get_SCIMServiceType()
        Specifies the type of service providing the SCIM directory interface.
      • set_SCIMServiceType

        void set_SCIMServiceType(SCIMServiceType value)
        Specifies the type of service providing the SCIM directory interface. Settability Restrictions: None.
      • get_AllowEmailOrUPNShortNames

        java.lang.Boolean get_AllowEmailOrUPNShortNames()
        If true will allow Active Directory configurations to use UPN or email attributes as short name. This setting affects all AD configs as it disables parsing of principals with an '@' so should be set the same on all; it also implies ReturnNameAsDN=true.
      • set_AllowEmailOrUPNShortNames

        void set_AllowEmailOrUPNShortNames(java.lang.Boolean value)
        If true will allow Active Directory configurations to use UPN or email attributes as short name. This setting affects all AD configs as it disables parsing of principals with an '@' so should be set the same on all; it also implies ReturnNameAsDN=true. Settability Restrictions: None.

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